Teleporter gets jammed

Discussion in 'Support!' started by nevillecook, March 5, 2014.

  1. nevillecook

    nevillecook New Member

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    I have regularly found that the teleporter gets jammed when you send a large mass of bots & vehicles through at the same time. This has occurred to me almost every time I try to use the teleporter in the last several builds. It was occurring on all the builds immediately before gamma, and it has just happened again in gamma build 62318. If I had to guess I would say the problem started about the time formations were introduced, but that's only a guestimate, and may not be accurate.

    To be more decriptive of the problem: When I am about to use the teleporter, I have generally accumulated a group of a hundred or more bots & vehicles of various type (T1 & T2). I generally select the whole mass of units and tell them all to use the teleporter at the same time. (There usually isn't time to be selective and send a few at a time.) I expect the units to file through as they can fit, which is what used to happen in earlier builds. That is what occurs to start with, but after a while the units stop arriving at the destination, and I find the source is just stuck.

    It's generally the teleporter that the units are entering that gets jammed, not the one they are exiting. It looks like several units are just stuck on the ramp, both sides if the wheel, not being teleported, but not moving either. Nothing I do seems to fix the problem. The units that are stick refuse to move, no matter what direction I choose. I've tried everything I can think of, even deleting the stuck units, but nothing works. I have always had to give up and build a new teleporter (if there is time before getting blasted, which is rare, as the time wasted messing with this problem, and the break in the flow of units, usually costs me the game shortly afterwards).

    I really hope that you can duplicate and fix this one as it is very frustrating.

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