Tank Commander - PA minigame v1.5 (closed)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ozonexo3, March 1, 2014.

  1. FXelix

    FXelix Active Member

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    You are so awesome, this game is so awesome! AWESOME. I really want to play this on android :3 that would be so good.
    And this little updates on the pictures like canon or armour, glorious :3.
    You are really doing great stuff and I think you have lots of people behind you with this project.
    Waiting for the APK and more updates, thumbs up! @ozonexo3
    Last edited: March 14, 2014
  2. ozonexo3

    ozonexo3 Active Member

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    I thank you all for your support and positive comments. It was for me a very nice time working on it and I hope it was for you as well.

    Unfortunately, after a long conversation with Uber I need to close this project. Sorry, but next update will not be released.

    In this situation there is nothing else to do, than just to wait for the Moding Tools for PA to make more cool stuff.
  3. sporemaster18

    sporemaster18 Member

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    WHAT!?!?!? :( WHY UBERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    That's weird. Can't see what's bad about a fanmade games like this.
    What bad can happen? Somebody could stumble over it and end up playing PA after it.
    FXelix likes this.
  5. ozonexo3

    ozonexo3 Active Member

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    Problem was that i used assets from PA, and Uber didn't like this.
    I will propably try to make my own graphic and release it in future as new game.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  6. Dementiurge

    Dementiurge Post Master General

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    I could've guessed it was a digital rights issue.

    Knight has made quite a few models, he might have some things you could use.
    You're probably out of luck looking for music and a new font, though. :p
    bradaz85 and FXelix like this.
  7. aggie2016

    aggie2016 Member

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    I want to shake your hand man! You did an awesome job! Kudos to you. Seriously! I'm sorry that you have to end your project, but I thought I'd give you a shout out for your ingenuity.
    Last edited: March 14, 2014
  8. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Crap i find moore fun play your game then PA....
    Since FAF you where a mark , ppl that not now ozo that i play with him some times on FA must now...
    This guy got fantastic ideas long time....
    And he love what he do!
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  9. spainardslayer

    spainardslayer Well-Known Member

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    No offense but, Uhh... what?
  10. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    please continue working on this once uber allows you to
    stuart98 likes this.
  11. FXelix

    FXelix Active Member

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    I really love the work from uber into planetary Annihilation, but this was a fanmade game and you had an o.k I thought from uber...
    This smashes my heart in thousand pieces...
    Edit: but I respect uber's opinion, but an official statement from an employee would be also very nice :/
    Hey but @ozonexo3 if you want to make a standalone game of this, I really would like it too, even without PA stuff. So keep up the good work (please)
    Last edited: March 14, 2014
    stuart98 likes this.
  12. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I'd like to understand the why of that. What's so bad about some fun game that's free to play, generates no revenue for it's creator and is just a fun little thing that sort of relates to PA?
    Digital Rights and stuff are completely beyond me, never understood many many things lots of companies do.

    I just want to understand how using the assets in this way hurts Uber.
    bradaz85, LavaSnake and stormingkiwi like this.
  13. ozonexo3

    ozonexo3 Active Member

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    I can't tell you that, you will need to ask them. Many of my freends told me that uber should support this project, becouse it can help them, and this is also why i created it. But they have right to shoot it down and this was their will. They can't just give commercial rights of their work to everybody.

    This is always problem when you are creating something about something else and this is exacly same type of art. When you make painting about other painting and using parts of original painting, same with films and games.
  14. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Commercial? I thought this whole thing was strictly non commercial non profit. A simple "you may use our stuff for purely non commercial stuff" type of license should be quick to do.
    If it had any intention of going commercial I can fully understand Ubers decision.
  15. ozonexo3

    ozonexo3 Active Member

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    No, i told them that i want to make it non-profit, for free, but i will want to release Windows stand-alone, Android and Ios.
    They also said that for them its ok when I will change assets and continue working on it, and they like this minigame. This is what I want to do in future, but i just don't have time to do it right now. This will be no PA anymore, but I will be able to add many, many more features and content to it.
  16. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I would appetite a comment from Uber on this...
  17. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    I'm sure they just flat out don't want to give their property away for free. Maybe the feel the cons outweigh the pros or just don't want any hassle.

    The game was fun and many seemed to like it, so find someone that is happy to design or write what you used from them and everyone's a winner.
  18. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Yeah, I'm hungry for a comment too. (Sorry)

    I'm going to make a somewhat educated guess that there is a possible future conflict between software which use PA's assets externally and those which are distributed via the planned in-game mod marketplace. Since this is central to Uber's long-term plans for PA, it's quite reasonable for them to try to keep everything which uses PA's assets within PA itself.

    By allowing PA's assets to be used externally, they set a precedent. That precedent can then be used by future developers to say 'but this guy did it', and take traffic away from the official distribution channel.
    cdrkf likes this.
  19. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    This is apparently the main issue right here.

    Apparently there's something weird for US copyright law where if you ask for permission, then they are legally obligated to ask you to take it down.

    US Copyright law is totally screwed up.

    So I think it's US copyright law, not Uber.
  20. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I made that post on my phone- auto correct FTW!

    I'm not familiar with US copyright law- I don't think the same would apply in the UK however if by allowing this they give everyone else permission to use then that would make sense.

    @brianpurkiss thanks for the comment as well.

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