Looking for a SPANISH clan

Discussion in 'Looking For A Clan' started by tuzmakel, January 3, 2015.

  1. tuzmakel

    tuzmakel New Member

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    Hi, I'm an spaniard player and I'm looking for a clan. I need to be an spanish clan because that's all of the english that I know.
  2. gmase

    gmase Well-Known Member

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    Hi, I'm spanish too but I doubt the spanish playerbase is big enough for a clan. I think I'll join an international one.
  3. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    gmase, who replied to you above, joined my clan today. He is from Madrid, and we have another player from the same city already. So we have at least 2 Spanish speakers that I am aware of. If we get a couple more we could play internal 4v4s with all the Spaniards on one team, so they could speak Spanish between them :) Or they could break off and start their own clan.

    Seriously though, I think that a Spanish clan is a possibility. You'd just need to go around all the clans and take their Spanish speakers from them.
  4. Zaphys

    Zaphys Well-Known Member

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    I will be starting a clan with another spanish player soon. We normally speak and train in english as we live in the UK and other parts of Europe but we plan to have a part of our clan training material (guides and so on) in spanish and, of course, you can always talk to us in spanish and we will be happy to help, regardless whether you join the clan or not.

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