Fails or slow to join / spectate games

Discussion in 'Support!' started by mikeyh, February 22, 2015.

  1. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Here's a summary of the types of issues I've seen sporadically:
    1. join / spectate button is clicked and nothing seems to happen
    2. connect delay (long connect time)
    3. fail to connect (hard fail)
    4. delayed connect then rejected (long connect time then rejected before login accepted)
    5. login accepted then delay (login accepted then delay till something appears)
    Others seem to experience this often but still transient.

    The obvious scenarios are:
    • #2 seems to depend on how busy the servers are
    • #5 is possibly custom systems or server mods downloading to clients
    On OS X a connect delay seems to block everything and can cause a spin if no response.

    With #3 the logs show hard fails:
    • Connect to failed: Failed
    • Connect to failed: Failed
    • etc
    With #4 the logs show stuff like:

    [13:56:27.262] INFO Connect to worked
    [13:57:49.252] INFO connection_LoginRejected
    [13:58:28.464] INFO Connect to worked
    [13:59:07.549] INFO connection_LoginRejected
    [13:59:24.631] INFO Connect to worked
    [13:59:25.647] INFO connection_LoginAccepted
    [13:59:32.136] INFO connection_GameConfig
    The game was public with no password and slots were available so no obvious reason for login rejected. On the third attempt everything worked.

    The other weird log entries are:

    ERROR Failed loading panel 2, path coui://ui/main/game/start/start.html: net::ERR_ABORTED
    INFO resetGameState
    [15:22:55.847] ERROR Failed loading panel 2, path coui://ui/main/game/transit/transit.html: net::ERR_ABORTED
    Still trying to figure out if these impact anything.

    The following example looks like #1.

    I tried to join this no password public game multiple times without success and after the game started I then tried to spectate it multiple times. The join / spectate button didn't seem to do anything.

    While trying to join there were empty slots and there were 3 empty spectator slots when trying to spectate.

    After multiple failures I enabled a proxy server and saw a lot of GameAcquisition/Matchmake polling.

    I was eventually able to spectate the running game.

    There was a lot of polling to /GameAcquisition/Matchmake waiting to resolve the game host and port for the lobby ID:

        "LobbyId": "5471271263978487830"
        "PollWaitTimeMS": 1000,
        "Status": 301,
        "Queue": [15902732904735349906]
    If successful you get something like this:

        "LobbyID": "5471271263978487830",
        "ServerHostname": "",
        "ServerPort": 9003,
        "WebSocketPort": 80,
        "Ticket": "DCB1DB5210AA9C92-0-1-4-8D21C63CD31B2F1-321F015262AD43E7.789281A49A0F51E2",
        "Expires": "2015-02-22T03:09:18.2587633Z",
        "Status": 300
    Here's the game data:

    {"Region":"USCentral","LobbyID":"5471271263978487830","BuildVersion":"78071","GameMode":"Config","Map":"default","MaxPlayers":11,"PlayerUberNames":["ubernet1","bostoncap","hippy70show","akanehym","mikai47","lukuss1","0x0000221e","eric1027","howdidigethere","unseen2","superdude023"],"RunTime":"00:34:58","GameServerState":"playing","TitleData":"{\"uuid\":\"JIXLWp6TYONCN3KQkqeJfiV9glFBHcQs\",\"players\":8,\"blacklist\":[\"15825041050003646516\"],\"started\":true,\"full\":false,\"player_names\":[\"anonymoose\",\"Bostoncap\",\"mikai47\",\"0x0000221e\",\"MizerE\",\"howdidigethere\",\"unseen2\",\"superdude023\"],\"creator\":\"anonymoose\",\"max_players\":8,\"mode\":\"FreeForAll\",\"mod_names\":[],\"spectators\":0,\"max_spectators\":3,\"cheat_config\":{\"cheat_flags\":{\"allow_change_vision\":false,\"allow_mod_data_updates\":false,\"allow_change_control\":false,\"allow_create_unit\":false,\"any_enabled\":false}},\"spectator_names\":[],\"whitelist\":[],\"require_password\":false,\"tag\":\"Casual\",\"game\":{\"system\":{\"name\":\"Gamma System\",\"planets\":[{\"position\":[102200.0078125,37300.08984375],\"name\":\"MurziX\",\"mass\":50000,\"starting_planet\":false,\"required_thrust_to_move\":0,\"velocity\":[-23.242748260498047,63.683700561523438],\"generator\":{\"numArmies\":2,\"temperature\":50,\"seed\":727311872,\"radius\":1500,\"waterHeight\":0,\"heightRange\":0,\"symmetryType\":\"none\",\"waterDepth\":50,\"metalDensity\":0,\"biomeScale\":100,\"metalClusters\":0,\"biome\":\"gas\",\"symmetricalMetal\":false,\"symmetricalStarts\":false,\"landingZonesPerArmy\":0,\"landingZoneSize\":0}},{\"position\":[98700.0078125,34600.03125],\"name\":\"Ewalopolis\",\"mass\":5000,\"starting_planet\":false,\"required_thrust_to_move\":3,\"velocity\":[122.01673889160156,-124.61154174804688],\"generator\":{\"numArmies\":2,\"temperature\":0,\"seed\":614277056,\"radius\":500,\"waterHeight\":-1,\"heightRange\":50,\"symmetryType\":\"none\",\"waterDepth\":50,\"metalDensity\":79,\"biomeScale\":50,\"metalClusters\":47,\"biome\":\"moon\",\"symmetricalMetal\":false,\"symmetricalStarts\":false,\"landingZonesPerArmy\":0,\"landingZoneSize\":0}},{\"position\":[111400.015625,35300.0390625],\"name\":\"Norman Nugget Pants\",\"mass\":5000,\"starting_planet\":false,\"required_thrust_to_move\":3,\"velocity\":[11.374092102050781,222.91728210449219],\"generator\":{\"numArmies\":2,\"temperature\":0,\"seed\":688393152,\"radius\":500,\"waterHeight\":-1,\"heightRange\":50,\"symmetryType\":\"none\",\"waterDepth\":50,\"metalDensity\":80,\"biomeScale\":50,\"metalClusters\":43,\"biome\":\"moon\",\"symmetricalMetal\":false,\"symmetricalStarts\":false,\"landingZonesPerArmy\":0,\"landingZoneSize\":0}},{\"position\":[12600,-15400],\"name\":\"Grab My Beans\",\"mass\":10000,\"starting_planet\":true,\"required_thrust_to_move\":0,\"velocity\":[122.68744659423828,100.38065338134766],\"generator\":{\"numArmies\":2,\"temperature\":100,\"seed\":605498624,\"radius\":1193,\"waterHeight\":33,\"heightRange\":35,\"symmetryType\":\"none\",\"waterDepth\":50,\"metalDensity\":84,\"biomeScale\":50,\"metalClusters\":75,\"biome\":\"lava\",\"symmetricalMetal\":false,\"symmetricalStarts\":false,\"landingZonesPerArmy\":0,\"landingZoneSize\":0}},{\"position\":[5099.99951171875,-33100.0078125],\"name\":\"Sauce Haven\",\"mass\":20000,\"starting_planet\":true,\"required_thrust_to_move\":0,\"velocity\":[120.76155090332031,18.60676383972168],\"generator\":{\"numArmies\":2,\"temperature\":50,\"seed\":1123927552,\"radius\":1242,\"waterHeight\":52,\"heightRange\":35,\"symmetryType\":\"none\",\"waterDepth\":78,\"metalDensity\":86,\"biomeScale\":50,\"metalClusters\":61,\"biome\":\"earth\",\"symmetricalMetal\":false,\"symmetricalStarts\":false,\"landingZonesPerArmy\":0,\"landingZoneSize\":0}},{\"position\":[47100.0078125,-38400],\"name\":\"HOLY METAL\",\"mass\":10000,\"starting_planet\":false,\"required_thrust_to_move\":10,\"velocity\":[57.317111968994141,70.30303955078125],\"generator\":{\"numArmies\":2,\"temperature\":0,\"seed\":720123008,\"radius\":632,\"waterHeight\":34,\"heightRange\":35,\"symmetryType\":\"none\",\"waterDepth\":50,\"metalDensity\":83,\"biomeScale\":50,\"metalClusters\":100,\"biome\":\"earth\",\"symmetricalMetal\":false,\"symmetricalStarts\":false,\"landingZonesPerArmy\":0,\"landingZoneSize\":0}}]},\"name\":\"10 person FFA\"}}"}
  2. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Some additional data about the #1 example:
    • 30 requests to/GameAcquisition/Matchmake before lobbyId was resolved
    • 73.25 seconds to resolve
    stuart98 likes this.
  3. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    Can you turn off all mods and let me know if you are still experiencing it? I was having people with global chat seeing similar issues on Friday.
  4. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    One time I had Faster Server browser off and this happened. Not sure if it happens with it enabled, I can't remember any times if it had.

    I don't think any other mods changes thins with the server browser; I only have effect mods :)
  5. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    PA Stats was disabled and I run a very basic set of mods.
  6. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Can you please include which issue you saw (eg #1) and check your logs for connects, hard fails, login rejected, etc.
  7. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    We also just saw what looked like the #4 login rejected issue with one of tvinita's games in PTE.

    A number of us joined OK but one player was getting login rejected so tvinita rehosted and everyone was able to join.
  8. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Oh that was a while ago, the log was auto-deleted due to it's age.
  9. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    If you see the issue again... grab the logs and make a note of what mods you had installed.
  10. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I had #5 yesterday while having no mods enabled except for Orbital Warfare Overhaul - playing on the PTE. I tried to join the game multiple times waiting 5-10 minutes on each occasion. Those already in the lobby reported seeing my name in there 'loading'.
  11. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

    Likes Received:

    Issue #1 join button does nothing HTTP trace logs filtered for /GameAcquisition/Matchmake:
    No PA stats installed, all requests look good so this looks like a PlayFab issue.

    First request is an earlier game with immediate lobbyId resolve in a single 201 created response.

    Next 229 requests are trying to join a public no password game with free slots and 1 slot remaining by final login accepted.

    Last slot was not joined by anyone.

    Response summary:
    • 15 200 OK queue with 2 UberIds (myself and sc0rchm4ster102)
    • 8 403 Forbidden
    • 3 403 Throttled
    • 5 200 OK queued with only my UberId
    • 2 403 Forbidden
    • 3 403 Throttled
    • 192 200 OK queued with multiple UberIds trying to join
      • 43 with only my UberId
      • 9 with 2 UberIds (myself and starryager)
      • 77 with only my UberId
      • 17 with 2 UberIds (myself and mca1212)
      • 3 with only my UberId
      • 37 with 2 UberIds (myself and (AC)BRuTaL)
      • 6 with 3 UberIds( myself, (AC)BRuTaL and jables)
    • final 201 Created response
    5 other players also tried to join and failed.

    Elapsed time waiting to join: 674.35 seconds
    Last edited: February 25, 2015
  12. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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  13. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Matchmake polling again with lobbyId: 16975677066223594247

    99 requests and 74.49 seconds to resolve.

  14. trilioth

    trilioth Member

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    #1 happens to me on a daily basis. I admit that I am using PA Stats.

    I have found a way to resolve it in game.

    Step 1:
    Start an AI Skirmish.​

    Step 2:
    Surrender before selecting spawn point.​

    Step 3:
    Try joining the lobby you wanted and you will find you can.
    A final note: When this happens, I have tried joining other lobbies just to see if it was a problem with just the lobby I was trying to join, but still #1 persisted.

    Edit: I don't know if this matters, but the AI Skirmishes have been on local server.
    Last edited: March 7, 2015
  15. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    that's interesting, but doesn't sound like it would have any effect on the issue that mikeyh is tracking in this thread, which is about bad responses from playfab.
    Weird. Do you have the issue without PA Stats as well?
    If you have the version of that problem that is related to something PA Stats does with the chat and you found a magical workaround that makes no sense at all that would be interesting and Id like to debug on that.
    trilioth likes this.
  16. trilioth

    trilioth Member

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    To answer that, seems like it would require that I run the game without PA Stats for a while. I'd rather not. I like having access to my data from the website. I wish all players would use PA Stats.

    After reading about this issue on the forums, I have decided to close the chat window in game and use the webpage for access to the chat.. It seems that by doing so, I avoid the issue, but I don't think that I have done this for long enough to claim a causal link. I will continue with this method and report back if I see this bug happens when my chat window is closed.
  17. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    Disabling the chat is as good as disabling PA Stats for this issue, the chat definitely is the cause, so yeah that is fine. If the issue is gone without the chat and y0u can recreate it with the chat and you can workaround it with that "make AI game first" that would be interesting to know.
  18. trilioth

    trilioth Member

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    I've been trying to always disable the chat in game before going into the custom lobby, but sometimes I forget. It does seem to only happen when the chat window is up.

    The "make AI game first" workaround has always worked. Someone suggested it to me. I don't know how he came by the idea.

    Could you make it so that there is an option to not open the chat at startup? I understand why you'd want new users to see the chat by default though.
  19. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Check the settings ;)
  20. trilioth

    trilioth Member

    Likes Received:
    :oops: I forgot there was a PA Stats tab in the game settings dialogue. Thanks.

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