A reality annihilated ?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Klauth, October 3, 2013.

  1. Klauth

    Klauth New Member

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    Well, it's my first post here, hi everyone.
    Something silly caught my mind about this marvelous game and I don't think have found an answer to my question.
    You know as much as I, your commander control your army, he decided that one of his bot builds a factory here that one attacks here... He's the boss !
    Thanks to Uber to bring the battlefield to a solar system, your army with your commander can expand on it.
    And you know in our universe some things are limited (yeah it's suck) like speed of light. Well, on Earth, in our tiny planet, it's doesn't matter, for example, communications, it's instantaneous but for planet to planet ? To "speak" an our be-loved rover Curiosity, it's takes 8 minutes minimum.
    Some of you may see where I'm going, yes with the beta you can travel in the solar system. So if you take a walk with your commander, and you give an order to your old base, there will be a delay.
    From there, each movement's mistake count, and more efforts to anticipate (a good general do that, anticipate). Think about the difference in distance between two commanders, one have more responsiveness than other... many things are possible. After all, information is the power.
    Like you see isn't only "realistic so it's should be in the game", (I would even say "hard-realistic"), it's add gameplay elements. The first RTS like "turn per turn" game ?

    But I think it's can be very tricky, it's more like a "brainjob" idea, maybe a mod later can bring that ?
    I'm sure Uber's guys find a solution like a quantum-thingy that solves all problems. Are you never noticed if you add "quantum" to any object, it's become awesome and breaks all the laws of physical ? Maybe I troll here, so what do you think ?

    P.S. Sorry for my ugly English I'm not a native.
  2. OathAlliance

    OathAlliance Well-Known Member

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    While it's an interesting idea, I see two problems with this.

    First off people want to play an RTS not a TBS. Making a delay on other planets will change this from Macro, back to micro(with a delay). Other planets will be almost worthless unless your commander goes there for the fact that by the time you set up a base, the battle on your planet will be over. Thus making interplanetary not very profitable.

    Secondly, this is supposedly THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of years in the future. I can only hope that like in Star Trek, there is a way to communicate through subspace and therefore almost instantaneously over vast distances. This would rid us of lag time and allow machines to respond at a normal speed.
  3. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    They probably have quantum entanglement based communication by then instead of just using radiowaves and ****.
  4. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    I was about to say the same thing ahhaah, saw ur post "aaaaw ...damn...well..I guess I'll click 'like'.."

    Also. That would be really frustrating to to play a game like that. Mind blowingly frustrating.
    Grounders10 and hahapants like this.
  5. kmastaba

    kmastaba Member

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    Your idea is already in the game.
    It's called server lag.
    Orders are even lost in the deep space due to space interferences.
    Grounders10, fergie and pirocket like this.
  6. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    That's a pretty cool idea, and I'm sure at some point a modder will bring it to you.
    Personally however, I think it would just make my brain explode, like planet-specific resource systems would.
  7. drgonzoz

    drgonzoz New Member

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    Too bad quantum entanglement doesn't enable FTL communication :p And in the case of a game, I'd say it would suck to play with real signal delays ^^
  8. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    While still in the sci-fi realm as we cant currently keep an entanglement for a long duration. The concept of using Quantum Entanglement for FTL communication would to have (in the most rudimentary example lets just use morse code here) a signal or message generated on one end that causes entangled particle "A" to behave in a readable manner. Meanwhile "B" is behaving the same way and that behaviour converted back to an electric computer signal.
    Not necessarily "sending" a message as much having it happen at two computers at any distance at the same time.
    If this was a modern technology, one could send an unmanned craft to great distances (while still taking its sweet time to get there) and still be controlled real time no matter what distance it is.
  9. drgonzoz

    drgonzoz New Member

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    The problem is that you don't understand the concept of entanglement correctly here, as long as you don't measure one of the particles it is in either state 0 or 1, while the other is in (depending on chosen prepared state and basis) 0 or 1 at the same time as well, the problem is that you don't get to choose the outcome, it's random. What you can do is to exploit this to teleport an arbitrary state, but this also requires signalling something (at speed of light) to the receiver so that he can actually successfully reconstruct what you're sending. Further applications are quantum key destribution (what also only works at less than lightspeed, because you also need to announce some other stuff over a classical channel) and quantum computing.
  10. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    I think a rate of state change can be converted to a language in some form or another rather than the direct computing carrying over from site "A" and "B", just like the Morse code example, its just a language based on state and hold. Language can be alot of different things, even birds chirping is in some form a coherent signal system. Also in repeated experiments, it has been shown that the measurement transfers are exceeding the speed of light, and that a signal is not necessarily emitted and received. There is a deeper reason for the interactions between them.
    Also, we are talking about a videogame based in the future here, not based on the limitations of todays technology.
    In all cases where something is "random", it is just not understood where it became unpredictable. It is a delicate scale where the tiniest of inaccuracy tips the whole thing over and amplifies into error. I dont expect to see any public use from this technology in my lifetime despite how close it looks like it is. Nor do I expect space travel. If I was to compare our knowledge of space to our knowledge of navigating the ocean, we are at about the stage where somebody threw a log in the water and floated on it. A few cavemen drowned in the process..
  11. drgonzoz

    drgonzoz New Member

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    You cannot check for the state change, otherwise it is a measurement which would again destroy the entanglement/fix the state, so no change using that as transmission. The waveform collapse is indeed instantaneous but most people mistake this for the ability to signal something which is not possible. Also randomness should not be mistaken for noise, those two can be clearly separated, we can even tune the possibilities to measure a certain state and one way to create entanglement in the first place. Oh and quantum key distribution as well as teleportation have been usable for several years now, but only on small scales. There are even comercial quantum key distribution products for small distances <200km available already.
    Well space travel is another thing though, that might take longer...

    But well, as for this being a game, I don't mind FTL communication; I'd base it on alcubierre warp drives instead, which at least might be possible and might violate causality ;)
  12. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Honestly this sounds like the kind of innovative gameplay ideas that I want to see people build into mods so we can try it out. It's not something I would do in the base game but it's certainly a neat idea to try out.
    fergie likes this.
  13. duhreaper

    duhreaper Member

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    what you could do is make it so we build some kind of array to make the communications instant if you don't have the array then there is like a 3 or 5 second delay .
  14. kmastaba

    kmastaba Member

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    Llong range sensors could be affected by the speed of light, for example if you build a (sublight) sensor array to scout the enemy planet without sending units on the planet, you will only see what's happening on the planet with x minutes delay (=distance), making it less precise/reactive and only useful for long time strategic decisions.

    About crazy what about some time travel machine gameplay, the chronocam could allow what Achron made to return back in time when this ******* asteroid has not yet reach the non return point so it's still possible to push it out of his collision course with our planet, using some giant ground based laser defense that will modify it's trajectory.
  15. spazzdla

    spazzdla Active Member

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    This thread got intense..

    Now does .9999999999999999999999999 = 1? hehehehehe
  16. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    I see no gameplay benefit to this, and lots of potential frustration.
  17. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    Add a delay? I can some up the problem in one word: LAAAAGG!!!!!!

    Lag = bad = I don't want to play = rage quit. I have see allot of people leave a game because of lag - 'this game is so laggy that I can't play it' *rage quit*.

    Plus, don't you think in the future that a faster way to communicate would have been invented? (ala star track sub space?)
  18. Klauth

    Klauth New Member

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    I didn't think this thread make so much noise... Like I said for me it's more a thought with me, I almost agree with;
    Even if I think it's could be interesting, taking account about your commander's distance with your army and the enemies. Like deceiving your enemy as loosing a battle in a distant planet but wining the war in planets of primary importance near of you. Well choices could be very hard. Of course we could imagine a delay in agreement with the planetary movements in-game
    And I like the idea of kmastaba, with an imprecise scouting of enemy. You can take the advantage of the "low speed" of light for your enemy for you. Because he don't have the intel yet. Einstein will be so pround of you (and himself too). But I repeat myself.
    A game is little bit like this, Oil Rush, where troops not directly anwser to the player and with a delay and ask some anticipation for the player. A bit disturbing but interesting.
    And for Quantum entanglement even if we achieve to "read" it, it only works with a few particles, one in reality ? Tell me if I'm wrong.

    EDIT: I see some rage guys here, no lags in question, it's the fault of the sluggishness of the light. It's more like a dynamic lag ? Rather think of a game under construction, a normal process during the new beta. But a teach a grandmother to suck eggs ?
    Last edited: October 9, 2013
  19. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    If you would say to ppl 200 years ago we would al have cars, be able to reach most of the earth within a day and we would have portable communication bricks they would declare you crazy. If you would show it to them they would say its magic.

    Now think of 200 years in the future. Todays tech would be like the medieval age or worse.

    In fact nanotechnology might trigger a bigger revolution than the industrial revolution. Whats more its not even far away (few decades at most). It has applications in just about every area. It would change the way we would live.

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