[WIP] [SERVER MOD] Redenbacher Deluxe

Discussion in 'Work-In-Progress Mods' started by lyrid, November 2, 2014.

  1. lyrid

    lyrid New Member

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    This is not a balance mod, it's a fun mod! You can find it on PAMM.

    In Redenbacher Deluxe, build speed is 10 times faster. Yup, TEN.

    This creates a fast-paced game with massive battles, where you can play with every toy that Uber gave ya -- T2, orbital, nukes, squadrons of SXXs, and so on. It changes the character of PA quite a bit. So if you dare, check it out.

    To use AIs with Redenbacher, please install the additional "Redenbacher Deluxe AI Tweaks" UI mod (also on PAMM). This will allow your client to send proper, butter-flavored AI configs to the server when you create a game. Otherwise, the AI will just sit there, confused.

    Some details, if you're interested:
    1. All build arms construct 10x more metal per second (fabbers, commanders, factories,etc).
    2. To accommodate this demand, mexes produce 5x more metal per second. This may change.
    3. The commander gets huge health (100,000) so there's no early sniping. It's also easier for an underdog to fight back, since it requires a medium sized army to take him out. I believe it's about 8 nukes or so. Heh.
    4. Mexes build at vanilla speed to increase their value, thus they require a LOT of metal to construct (plan accordingly).
    Everything else is like vanilla. Units move and shoot at the same speed, have the same armor, etc. Cooldowns are the same as well.

    Some current issues:
    1. Everything builds too efficiently. I will fix this so eco isn't so easy. It will be metal-bound -- the more metal you acquire, the faster you can build. This should create intense fights with your neighbors.
    2. Catalysts and Haleys build just as fast as everything else. I like the idea (increases player stress :)), but I'm afraid that instant "game over" weapons will make a match lopsided since they might be too far away to contest.
    3. The server lags due to the massive amount of units accumulated. Ah well. The only thing to do then would be to slow it down a touch, or increase the nuke blast radius...

    That's it for now. Have fun!
  2. lyrid

    lyrid New Member

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    I made some changes to eco. You can actually stall on metal now.

    1. Mexes produce less metal (3x vanilla) to cause stalls. The more mexes, the faster you build. This encourages conquest.
    2. Mexes go up faster. Thus, the game develops quickly, yet metal is still important.
    3. All energy generators have been halved in output to make up for the insane build efficiency caused by the build speed.
    4. Nukes load ammo fast now, too. I thought this would be crazy, and turns out, it is! In a good way. Trust me...
    Note that if you use AI skirmish, you should play at "Hard" or greater (using the "Redenbacher Deluxe AI tweaks" UI mod). The "Normal" AI just seizes up, it appears.

    Have fun!
  3. lyrid

    lyrid New Member

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    0.53 & 0.54 "Tastes Like Vanilla"
    Redenbacher now works a lot like vanilla in character, except massive and fast. Eco actually matters now, and the AI's are a tad better.

    Details in brief:
    3x metal, 4x energy, 10x build speed. Typical efficiency ratios. Feels kinda like vanilla. AI thinks better.

    The above metal/energy values are to account for cooldown times and the (in-)efficiency of fabbers.

    More info:
    The commanders still build 10x as fast, but build more efficiently, instead of using more power. Since the commander is a "bootstrap" unit, you'd have to massively increase his power production to support a 10x build speed. I opted for increased build efficiency over insane power generation here.

    Commander health has been reduced 80% (80,000 hp). As I grow more confident the Com can't be sucker-punched early, I'll reduce the HP.

    Stock AIs kinda work with Redenbacher now (they don't entirely freeze up), but the AI tweak mod still provides a more interesting opponent.


    P.S. The only changes in 0.54 are AI tweaks and the Com health.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  4. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    This looks really interesting, excited to fire it up and give it a try later.
  5. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Played this a bit with some Realmies last night. I think it has potential to be a fun game mode. The commander is a bit too tanky as right now the end of games really drag on, with you having destroyed their entire base and owning the entire planet but needing another 5 minutes just to bring down the com. I think a slight reduction here would be good. Also the economy feels really wonky - you can rush T2 within 1 minute and then T2 power and metal means you will never hurt for economy again. But maybe that is intended.
  6. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Is t2 mexes less than t1 mexes (which retained build time no?). If so, apply the same standard to them, and problem solved.

    Same for energy.

    Armies suffer a bit from this, decrease their rolloff time since units produce 10 times faster a fabber assist can't speed it up any more than it is and the rolloff limits army production compared to nuke production.
  7. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Updated; no longer breaks fabricators from assisting or reclaiming.
  8. tristanlorius

    tristanlorius New Member

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    so needs an update for titans!
  9. shadowwolve

    shadowwolve New Member

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    Please update this for titans!!!
  10. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Disabled until mod is updated for Titans.
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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  12. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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  13. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    TITANS is a standalone expansion. A mod does not need to work with TITANS to be listed. Does it break classic? If not then re-enable it.
  14. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    And even if it breaks on classic, but just breaks the unit description, is that so incredibly bad that the mod needs to be removed for everyone?
    Did you try to contact the original mod creator?
  15. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Lyrid was last online one month before TITANS release.
    lukas4444444 likes this.
  16. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Yes, but PM's usually generate an e-mail alert.
    lukas4444444 likes this.
  17. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    @stuart98 , I downloaded Redenbacher from the repository you forked on the pamod GitHub, which I assume was the one that was on PAMM before. You said unit descriptions and other stuff were broken. I only tested it casually, but I don't see anything broken? It even seems to work for Titans.
    Unit descriptions seem fine to me. Build speed is insane (as intended). What did you find was broken?
    lukas4444444 likes this.
  18. Tom212

    Tom212 New Member

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    men.. I really want this mod back...
    lukas4444444 likes this.
  19. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Take the old files, and a copy of new-PA's unit folder. Change the .json where redenbacker did.

    I'd offer to do it, but I have trouble fixing my own mods. If you need help, like how to use cmd to strip a copy of unit folder down to only .json, then I can let you know how.
    lukas4444444 likes this.
  20. Tom212

    Tom212 New Member

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    I didn't understand a single word of what you just said haha
    lukas4444444 likes this.

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