Windows 10 PA (not Titans) Galactic War, crashes halfway a game

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Raikuen, February 11, 2016.

  1. Raikuen

    Raikuen New Member

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    Playing galactic war worked correctly for a while. I completed a full galactic war without problems, now a few days later it just randomly crashes halfway during a actual game.
    I tried playing a new galactic war. Only a few games (10-20min) work, most however crash somewhere in the middle while I'm expanding my base and giving other commands.
    I tried updating my graphics drivers but that didn't fix the problem
    This is the vanilla game, no mods also no Titans expansion. It's a rather frustrating when the game keeps on crashing like this.

    Here's the DxDiag as well as some crash reports, the most recent one is after the graphics driver update:

    Attached Files:

  2. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Can you check the list of software known to interfere with PA?

    Failing that, try a clean boot:

    (And probably not related, but your Intel Smart Connect Technology crashes quite a lot. Actually, that stuff isn't even supposed to work on Windows 10 as far as I know. But yeah, probably unrelated, but maybe interesting for you to know.)
  3. Raikuen

    Raikuen New Member

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    I don't think I have any of those programs, simply checking the programs that frequently ask for updates, none of those are in the list. The list for the clean boot doesn't include Windows 10, besides what would be the use of that if I could only run the game if I start up my PC in a specific way? Like when i alt-tab out of the game to check for game strategies, I'd rather have a anti-virus program up.

    I got this AMD gaming evolved thing (came with the AMD Radeon driver) that usually automatically records gameplay, doesn't seem to do that for PA.

    Still odd that the game works fine for a few days and than the next day it does this.

    Also thanks, I didn't knew about ISCT, actually I don't know what that does.

    (got a error when replying, saying 2 links were not whitelisted)
  4. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Ah, sorry. I meant the clean boot only as a way to make sure there are no other programs interfering. I didn't mean to imply that you should always play like that. And I see that the article I linked to is a bit outdated. However, you should still be able to run msconfig in Windows 10. You can type it in the "Search the web and windows" box. After that, it's the same as Windows 8.

    And, yeah, stuff can change. Even if you don't do anything. Windows 10 does automatic updates in the background all the time for example. Some programs auto-update themselves as well.

    Is it possible to disable the AMD automatic recording thingy?

    (The whitelist is an anti-spam measure. After five posts you'll be able to write any link you want.)
  5. Raikuen

    Raikuen New Member

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    Ah alright in that way, seeing if I can play a few galactic war games without crashes would mean there's a program interfering and it isn't the game.

    I turned off the AMD auto recording thing and managed to play 2 full (10min) games one after the other. So far so good. I guess PA doesn't work with a couple of recording programs.
    Guess that list helped cause it mentioned a bunch of recording programs.
  6. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Ah, let us know if that was the cause after you've played a few more games. We'll get it added to the list then.
  7. Raikuen

    Raikuen New Member

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    Played with AMD gaming evolved turned off.
    Played through a entire large galactic map, taking out enemy systems one by one rather than going for faction leaders, 33 games total (with some pauses in between) Not a single crash. So yea it's definitely the automatic recording from AMD gaming evolved. That program comes with AMD driver updates so it's a concern for most people with a AMD graphics card. It's separate from the driver itself so it can be shut down if needed.
    DeathByDenim likes this.

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