[Story] Tales of Annihilation -- Latest episode: #29 Blood and Fire IV

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by SolitaryCheese, February 2, 2014.

  1. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    (NOTE: the first part is on the previous page)

    He reached the gates of a huge building – it was a large and sturdy metal door, most likely capable of withstanding tens of thousands of shots from anything – He raised his arm with the laser cannon, and breached a large hole on the thick metal gate with a single shot.

    He entered a long hallway. At the end of it, he found himself in a large room, that looked like some sort of laboratory – he was on a balcony, which overlooked the entire place – there were countless of little bots running around, carrying experimental things, while some others performed experiments in a distant corner of the lab. He found two commanders there.

    He jumped over the railing at the edge of the balcony, and landed on the floor below. The commanders looked at him, but the bots continued their work, as if nothing happened. Uther knew, the commanders were not surprised of his presence. One of them shot Uther twice, but stopped after seeing that it had no effect whatsoever. They both backed away a few steps. Uther targeted the one which attacked him, then fired his uber cannon.

    The impact caused the enemy commander's power core to melt down, resulting in an enormous explosion that destroyed everything in the room. The other commander was thrown against the wall by the burst, but Uther remained undamaged. He slowly walked up to him, and once he was above him, he looked down and aimed his weapon to finish him, but first, he decided to mock him instead, as his arrogance quickly overtook his senses. “How do you like your experiment?” he asked.

    The commander on the floor was reaching out to some device with his arm, but it was too far for him; Uther picked it up, and examined it. It was a small thing, that appeared to be the controller of something – it had a single red button on it with no indicator as for what purpose it serves. Uther looked back down at the defeated commander. “What is the function of this device?” he asked.

    “Don't push the button!” the commander said.

    Uther, however had done otherwise. He removed the lid which protected the button from accidentally being pressed, and pressed it.

    Suddenly, his power core deactivated. He realized, it controlled the experimental generator in his chest, which he took from them. “No!” he said desperately as he stumbled backwards, losing all his energy rapidly. All the power and strength he possessed just a moment earlier left him in a matter of nanoseconds. He pressed the red button several times again in despair, but nothing happened. The other commander stood up. “I told you not to press the button,” he said. He wiped off some debris from his white armor as he approached Uther. He pulled him up to his legs with one arm, holding him for some time, then his other hand reached to his chest, and pulled the generator out of its socket; after which, he let Uther go. His powerless body crashed against the floor with a noise as if he was nothing, but a pile of metal scrap.

    Last edited: May 5, 2014
    LavaSnake likes this.
  2. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    Awesome. Don't ever stop writing these.
    SolitaryCheese likes this.
  3. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    Thank you! :)
  4. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    Bringing this back up again, so more eyes can see. This thread feels so lonely in the second page. :(

    I hope you guys enjoy it so far! The fourth story is definitely being worked on! :)
  5. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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  6. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    Dark Memories

    The morning was cold and dark. Professor Hal was watching the snow from the balcony, leaning against the icicle covered parapet. The chill bit through his thick clothes of several layers. He wore a mask which had some funny looking goggles, which he hated, but without those, his wide, lilac eyes would freeze in an instant. Below the mask, his old, dark-green skin, covered with shiny scales was safe from cold.

    He stood there for nearly half an hour, gazing the distant glaciers and the few stars that refused to leave the morning sky after the sun arose, while recalling the first day the machines attacked, while the others were warming near the heater inside after the long and successful hunt, discussing the details.

    Life was rather hard on this distant planet of ice and frost, a gigantic snowball of misery; the lack of food and the scarce availability of other resources made the life of the last surviving telians a rough and endless trial of fear – they slept their nights in terror, as the machines could find their new home at any given moment, and then the strike would be quick and without mercy. However, it wasn't always that way; once they had a home, a great nation; The Unified Empire of Telia, where the citizens were truly equal and they lived in peace, believing they are the only ones in the universe – dear, they were so wrong. The empire shattered, and the remaining groups of survivors scattered across the galaxy, warring not just the machines, but at times, each-other.

    Forty-seven years ago, something strange, falling towards the ground, appeared far in the blue sky, while Hal was playing with his sons in the garden. He didn't notice at first, – his youngest son, Isiah noticed it first, and asked what it was right away – “A meteor?” he wondered; but he knew it couldn't be, he would know of it if it was. It had a long tail of bright flame behind it. It was no meteor, he realized, it was too slow to be something that is pulled by gravity. Shortly after, a second object, that looked just like the first, appeared. He told his sons to go back to the house. He remained out and observed them.

    Soon, he received a call from the lab, where he was a researcher of astronomy and numerous other sciences. It was his colleague, he told him what he already knew, that they were in fact not meteors, and that, they appeared out of nowhere. He was needed at the lab, so he followed his sons back into the house, and once he was in, he told them to hide in the basement until he comes back – to his grief, he later had to learn, it was a mistake, he should have taken them to the lab with him. Before he left, they stood there, all three of them, with their bright lilac eyes, asking “What's happening, daddy?” He wished he could answer, but he was seeking the exact same answers.

    By the time he arrived to the lab, both of the unidentified objects landed, he was informed. The army was sent out to see what were they; they reported, that they saw two giant walking machines in the distance, and as they reached closer, they attacked. “It's an invasion,” his colleague, Len, said. After the reports, the army sent a large military force of land and air to confront this enemy.

    The two machines landed quite far from each-other, and seemed to immediately set up some sort of base, as seen on the satellite's visual recordings, but something was unusual, they were not building the base the expected way, instead, they stood there motionless, pouring something out of their giant mechanic arms, which slowly formed a building. They followed what was happening in near real time through the satellites.

    They saw as the military tanks slowly reached closer to the alien machine, and started firing. However, it seemed like the heavy shells poured at it had absolutely no effect. It turned towards the tanks, aimed with its hand that was not used for the building process, and began firing, each shot destroying a tank. All the professors and military personnel who watched stood speechless with awe. “We are lost,” one of the generals announced.

    Len was arguing with someone on his communication device, the once the call ended, he laid his hand on Hal's shoulder, and looked deep in his eyes. “Go for your sons,” he said. “They are planning on using the nuke.”

    Hal was horrified. “But it's an experiment!” he said. “We don't know the powers of it yet.”

    “Yet,” one of the generals interrupted. “but as you saw, we have no other choice.”

    Len's face was full of doubt. “They won't listen to us, Hal,” he said. “You saw what that thing just did,”

    Hal didn't say anything, he rushed out to grab his sons. He could not think of anything else, but to get them to safety as quick as possible. As he drove home, he saw the rocket in the sky above him, it left a long trail of black smoke, it was much faster than him. Eventually, it disappeared behind the horizon, but soon, he saw a bright flash. “It was done,” he thought. He called Len to ask what what happened.

    “The machine is still alive, Hal,” Len said with a tone of fear in his voice. “The nuke had no effect, absolutely no effect. The entire area around him was burnt down, but the machine is still alive.” he continued. “Wait, what, the–“

    “What's happening?” Hal asked.

    “Hal, you must hurry! Those things released twenty missiles from their bases.” he warned. The call was interrupted.

    Hal stepped on the gas right away, but he was still far from home. He feared, he would not get there in time. In the distance, he saw the buildings of his hometown, and he was relieved for a short moment, but the relief was quickly over when he saw the smoke trail in the sky, leading all the way to the center of the town. A bright flash, followed by a shock wave, which swept everything away, including Hal's vehicle. That was the last he remembered from that day.

    Three days later, he woke up, with Len sitting next to his sickbed. “What happened?” Hal asked. “My sons?”

    Len shook his head with sadness. “Sorry, Hal, the entire town turned into a crater. No survivors.”

    Hal's eyes filled with tears. He closed them, and he quickly fell asleep again, dreaming a dream, full of pain and darkness.

    He woke up again soon, and as he looked around, he noticed Len was not there that time; he wondered if he was alive even. “Was it a dream?” he murmured. He saw a window. He got out of his bed, and walked up to that window; he realized, he was in space, on board of a spaceship. “Is this a dream?” he astonished.

    Len soon showed up, wearing a white uniform of the scientists. “I didn't know we had spaceships,” Hal said.

    “I didn't either,” Len answered, looking at him with his mismatched teal and pink eyes – mismatched eyes were a common phenomena among telians. “They said it once belonged to an ancient race, called 'humans', they found it a hundred years ago, and they kept it a secret for all the time.”

    Hal was filled with rage. “They knew we weren't alone in the universe the entire time, and they kept it a secret?”

    “Yes, they did.” Len said. “But, worry not, my friend! Those who did were all left behind on the planet.”

    Hal smiled for a moment, but then he remembered his sons. “Why did we leave the planet anyway? Aren't we supposed to fight for it?” Hal asked.

    “Everything is lost. The machines amassed a powerful army out of nothing.” he said, followed by a short silence. “But we captured one of them.”

    “What?” Hal was surprised and horrified at the same time. “You know what's going to happen if it escapes? I hope you do.”

    “It's mostly harmless. It can barely move and cannot attack us, as we removed its weapons, but it is still alive.” he said. “You must see it, Hal, it's fascinating!”

    “Fascinating?” Hal asked. “Don't you remember? That thing just sent us to the verge of extinction?”

    Len looked away. “I remember well, Hal. Sorry, but it is truly amazing.” he said. “We hold him locked in a fortified chamber, deep in the spaceship. It seems like that chamber was designed specifically to hold creatures like it. Perhaps, the humans might have had their own troubles with its kind in their times.”

    “What if they ARE the humans?” Hal wondered.

    “No, Hal, the database we found in the ship had a detailed description of them. They had a similar complexion to us, but they were a lot different; they walked on two legs, just like us, had two arms, two eyes, two ears, but their skin was a lot different, it was without scales.”

    “So, where is the machine?” Hal asked.
    (continued in next post due to character limit)
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  7. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    The giant chamber that held the mighty machine prisoner was a lot larger than Hal had imagined. That was then, when he realized how huge the spaceship was. When he looked up, he couldn't see the ceiling – he felt dizzy, perhaps, the artificial gravity. “How could they hide this gigantic ship? Are we truly that blind?” he asked.

    “Apparently, yes.” Len answered. They stood on a balcony, that overlooked a crowded research station, and at the other end of the enormously great hall, the machine was locked to the wall with shackles greater than any tank they had back home. They had a few ladders around it, used by the researchers who studied what was below the large plates that withstood against the attacks of their entire army. The metal armor which covered the giant mechanic creature was colored all blue with a few parts being yellow. Its two bright red eyes gazed straight at Hal. He felt as if the machine's gaze pierced his soul. He shivered. “Horrific,” he said, but Len had his attention elsewhere. Below them, the army of researchers swarmed the chamber, every one of them doing their own little thing. “They are so many,” Hal thought. “How many of us survived?” he asked.

    “Two-million,” Len replied.

    Hal felt sorrow. “Out of thirty-billion,” he announced mournfully. He thought about his sons, and his lilac eyes filled with tears of rage. He wished he had something to hurl against the giant alien, chained on the wall across the hall.

    “I've found something!” someone down below yelled, as if he'd found the purpose of life. Len began climbing down the stairs, as fast as he could, and Hal followed. As he climbed the stairs, he felt as if the machine's red eyes followed his movements.

    They reached the person who yelled eureka a few moments ago, and he explained what he'd found:

    “I've found the code of their personality, as I've mentioned some hours ago. I've never seen any code as complex as this ever in my life, and I doubt anyone before me ever had seen anything like this.

    “Whoever created this, intended to control these creatures, though, the artificial intelligence they created, ended up rewriting its own source code, and as a result, an independent entity was born, or at least, that's my theory based on my findings.

    “All of my attempts to change the code were almost instantly corrected by the AI, all except one: There is a small loophole in the code, of which the AI has no control over. We can change it, though it has limited effects, like...

    “I've studied some of the databases of these humans who previously owned the ship, and they seemed to have found the, uhm... 'source code' of the basic feelings that every living creature has, like fear, happiness, rage and the others. So, what I mean to say... we could just go ahead, and copy this to the loophole area of their code, and then we could make them be afraid of us.

    “Right now, they are mindless killing machines with no fear, but if they were worried about their lives, they would be less likely to attack us.”

    Hal and Len exchanged a look. “So, basically, you mean we could make them happy if we wanted to?” Len asked.

    “And even if your theory works, how do you intend to add this piece of code to the other creatures' code?” Hal asked.

    Jon, the programmer genius smiled. “Well, I have the perfect solution for that; the humans had plenty of toys in the storages of this ship. One of them was a small, well... let's call it 'thing'; so we have this thing that can be fired by the cannons of this ship, and then when fired, it connects to the enemy's computer system, and gives them some pretty viruses. We can create a virus that puts the changes in the loophole.” he said.

    “So you figured all this over the course of the las few days?” Hal asked.

    “Well, actually no. I was part of the group that studied the ship while it was government secret.” Jon replied.

    “You say it can only be fired be the cannons of this ship, right?” Len asked.

    “Well, there are some smaller ships in the hangars, but, well... the things are designed for the main ship's cannons.” Jon said.

    Len looked disappointed. “We are not going to risk the lives of two-million telians just to give these creatures some useless feelings.

    “We could also hide the things in this one,” Jon pointed at their mighty mechanical prisoner. “Then, we could release it, and it would likely go back to its kind, where he'd infect the others.”

    “Release it? Are you serious?” Len asked in a furiously. “If we release this thing it'll kill us all. Have you lost all your senses?”

    Len would've went on, but Jon interrupted. “We could remove its armors, and then, fear would make him run away from us, once we release it.”

    “I doubt it would be fear, more like the increased risk factor would force the AI to retreat.” another scientist joined in.

    Len looked at Hal for a short moment. “We can test the loophole on the creature we have now, but we will not release it,” and those were the last words of the debate.

    The night, or at least, the time they called night in space, was dreamless for Hal. The memories of his children tormented him, depriving him of his ability to sleep. “I should have taken them to the lab,” he said to no one in particular, as he was alone in his dark cabin, with only the lights of the distant stars sneaking in through the small window.

    In the morning he felt cold from the lack of sleep, he forced himself to get out of the soft bed, which perhaps once belonged to some human who may have died many centuries ago. He tried to find his way back to the prison of the alien machine, but across the long hallways, he had gotten lost several times, but eventually, he arrived there. Len was already there, examining the results of the experiment. “How's it going?” Hal asked.

    “We don't know yet. Jon says the added code wasn't fixed by the AI,” he replied. “You look tired, Hal. You didn't sleep well?”

    “I didn't sleep at all, actually,” Hal said. Len just gazed at him with a slight look of pity. Hal noticed the sharp red eyes of the blue armored creature again, though, that morning he felt it was less piercing – maybe he had grown resistant to its gaze.

    Hal felt rather useless, standing there among all the other scientists, working on various projects, serving the nation – what little remained of it. “You should go back, and rest, Hal. You just survived a nuclear attack.”

    Hal didn't remember how he left the prison area, and walked all the way across the ship, but nevertheless, there he was in a small hall that connected to the hallway, with a window as wall that overlooked the space outside. He sat on the floor, gazing the stars. The ship took a slow and long turn, and a a gorgeous nebula came to his sight. “So colorful,” he thought – and it indeed was; it danced in almost all colors of the rainbow.

    He heard a loud noise, and he felt a collision. He startled, wondering what it was. Ten seconds later, a second noise followed; he felt as the floor below him trembled. He rushed out to the hallway, and looked both directions. Two minutes passed, he dared not move, then a group of soldiers ran from left to right; one of them, a woman, he never met before grabbed his arms and said “Come, we're evacuating!”

    “What?” Hal asked. Was it the prisoner? Or had they found them?

    “They found us! They hit the engines. We head to the smaller ships. Come, quick!” she said in a hurry. Hal had no other choice, but to follow, as from the other direction, a larger group followed them, obstructing the path.

    They reached the hangars rather quick, the entire place was crowded with scared people. Thirty large ships were lined up across the vast hangar. As they slowly reached towards one of them, he felt more collisions, some more fierce than the others. Probably explosions against the outer hull.

    He entered the ship, it was so crowded inside, that he struggled to take a breath. He ended up next to a small window. He saw as their ship floated out of the hangar, out into the open space. Hal saw through the window as air rushed into space through large holes on the hull. In the distance he spotted the enemy spaceships, firing numerous missiles, making several huge explosions, but the flames quickly died away from the lack of oxygen, though, they damaged the hull badly. He saw as the ship's cannons fired back, but the projectiles did not explode – perhaps, those were the things Jon spoke of?

    He wondered if Len and the other scientists made out alive. The massive ship finally shattered to two parts. As for what happened after, he didn't know, as they suddenly switched to a lot higher speed; the scene disappeared in a moment.

    For near forty-seven years, Hal and the others hid on the frozen planet, where they found an abandoned human facility. Three-hundred survivors could get in the evacuation ship; since then, many had born, creating a new generation, while the old had died. Hal's time was nearing too – he felt it.

    He walked back inside from the balcony, and the warmth embraced him. His wife – the woman who grabbed his arm so long ago in the hallway – sat in an old armchair, still half asleep. He leaned closer, and kissed her on the scales of her cheek.

    Last edited: May 5, 2014
    Murcanic and LavaSnake like this.
  8. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    The next story is going to be a milestone for me, by the way. With the fifth story, this series will reach the whopping count of 10000 words. Yay! (It's 9777 words at the moment)

    By the way, if you like this stuff, you might want to "Watch" this thread (it's an option on top of the page, at the right).

    I'd also love to have some feedback. Especially about things that are uncertain, or don't make sense. If you spot some errors, I'd love to know about them, so I can correct it.

    I hope you guys enjoyed it so far! ;) The next story is in the workshop.
    Last edited: February 25, 2014
  9. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    So much silence. :(
    Help me keep this thing in page 1, please! I feel like I'm telling this story to myself! :D
  10. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    this stuff is great. more people should really read this.
    who knows, maybe uber will hire you to write their lore.
    LavaSnake and SolitaryCheese like this.
  11. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    Just was able to read the two most recent chapters. Great job and keep it up! These stories are quite well done!
    SolitaryCheese likes this.
  12. destravous

    destravous Member

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    Wow! Great stories, I read through all of them, and its very good. Others have already pointed out the critiques I noticed, but keep it up!
    SolitaryCheese likes this.
  13. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    Thanks to all of you! :)

    As long as there is at least one frequent reader, the story shall continue!
    emporer88 likes this.
  14. spicyquesidilla

    spicyquesidilla Active Member

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    Dude keep it up! it's amazing!
    SolitaryCheese likes this.
  15. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    Raining Moons

    “Fire at will!” the voice of Commander Thelonius of The Synchronous echoed far across the planet, with such resonance, it may have created an avalanche or two in the mountains, far to the west of his fortified encampment. Almost instantaneously after the command was unleashed, the thirty commanders – scattered across the planet in bases of their own – gave out their own fire orders. Hundreds of thousands of missile silos opened right away, and a few moments later, a swarm of countless nuclear missiles left each one of them, out into the dark abyss of space.

    Millions of missiles raced across the solar system; their final destination being a legendary battleship, owned by Legonis Machina that was lured there in hope of getting it trapped, and then destroyed for good. The Valhalla, an ancient battleship, created by a long lost bionic civilization, called the humans, belonged to Commander Nero, who came across it years ago during a scouting mission, he quickly realized its power, and seized it right away. A disgrace to machine kind, members of the The Synchronous thought.

    The mighty warship was almost exactly two-thousand kilometers long, and approximately nine-hundred wide. Hundreds of thousands of high precision cannons lined across both sides, and though, originally, the hull was not self-repairing, they installed the technology easily. The insides of the ship had been slightly altered, as it was designed for the humans in mind, who were tiny little creatures in comparison to the mighty commanders, like Nero. The rear and the front of the ship were armed with six ion-cannons, which were able to shoot across half an average sized solar system, and merely three shots were enough to wipe an entire planet.

    Thelonius and the others had been preparing this trap for near six months, and it was nearly ready. However, Nero came to soon, a lot sooner than expected; they had to execute, before their spare plan was all prepared.

    It took the army of warheads thirty minutes to reach close to the Valhalla – their destiny was almost fulfilled, only a few more minutes. Once they reached close enough, they started adjusting their paths. They approached from the front, where they had only the ion-cannons, which were useless against the missiles, and only a few of the little ones, which in comparison to the mighty cannons on the front and rear, were just like tiny rocks compared to an entire planet. A quarter of the swarm of rockets aimed to slam against the frontal ion-cannons, another quarter rushed below the body of the ship to hit the rear, and the remaining nukes chose their direction randomly to create a massive nuclear rain on the entire surface of the enormous battleship, creating a firework that could be seen from inside the planet's daylight atmosphere at the other end of the system – perhaps, even brighter than the sun.

    Six of the commanders gathered around Thelonius while they waited for the radiation to settle, so they can finally receive information regarding what remained of the ship. However, before they had received any information of the Valhalla, the deep space radar spotted three large groups of objects, heading towards the three moons of the system, each orbiting a lonesome gas giant. The names of the moons were; Maya, Horus and Fray. “We cannot allow let them reach those!” announced one of the commanders. Thelonius' reply was short; “It's too late,” he said. “Signal our moon bases to build teleporters!” he commanded.

    Teleporters were quickly established on all three moons, as well as on the planet – three on the planet to be exact, at three different locations. Thousands of units poured into the round gates, with a shining blue portal in the center, held together by pure energy and the neurosteel frame; and then, all of them appeared on the other side, on the moons.

    The enemy reached Fray first, and scouts reported, that as soon as they arrived, they began establishing a base with a capable production line – they started siphoning the moon's metal from below its surface right away. Fray was also the moon which had the least of Thelonius' forces, and his base was on the opposite side of the celestial body, therefore, his forces that arrived by the portal could only reach them after the enemy base was already prepared for an assault.

    Meanwhile, three satellites reached in proximity of the Valhalla, and they streamed what they found all the way back to the planet, where Thelonius and his commanders waited anxiously. From the readings, it became apparent, that the Valhalla survived the assault of millions of nukes, though it lost all, but one ion-cannon and most of its arsenal went down the drain along them, as well as most of its engines and its hull got wrecked by the overwhelming amount explosions. At the time, it was nothing, but a gigantic piece of melted metal, slowly crawling forward in the darkness of space. Clearly, it wasn't going to go anywhere far for quite a long time.

    The invading army on the surface of Fray repulsed the Synchronous forces, and marched forward to their base, where they had several gigantic engines being prepared by an army of engineers, nano-lathing them for weeks as part of Thelonius' secondary plan, and there was nothing that could have been done, as a fleet of bombers buzzed in, and took out the portal, depriving the moon from any reinforcements from the planet, and eventually, Fray was taken by Nero's ground forces.

    Maya was the second moon, where Legonis Machina forces managed to land on the surface. However, this base was much better prepared than Fray was by the time they reached the celestial body, but they could not wipe out the aggressors for good; the fight lasted for hours, and it stretched even longer.

    Nero's invaders never reached the rocks of Horus, Thelonius' force had enough time to set up an accurate cannon, that shot down any incoming transporter.

    Just like Fray; Horus and Maya both had gigantic engines established on them, capable of moving the entire moon, and smashing them against another celestial body – or as planned, a gigantic spaceship. However, doing so required lots of energy, and more important, control over the moon.

    The battle on Maya carried on and on for long, and soon enough, large parts of the surface was covered with wreckages of hundreds of thousands of bots, tanks and aircraft. Several lines of artillery fired at each-other, though, due to the lack of atmosphere, there was no sound to be heard, the mighty cannons pounded silently; not like anything would have heard, and the machines cared little about the noises. Thelonius' base had hundreds of factories producing endless streams of units, and as they left their factories they were produced in, they charged into battle right away, where they got shredded by the explosion of an artillery shell that happened to fall in their way. The situation on Maya quickly became a stalemate. No matter how many units they poured into the portal on the planet, they could make no difference on the moon.

    The radar detected unexpected movements on Fray – the entire moon began moving. Nero's forces probably captured the engines and finished them. The calculations had shown, that Fray's new path led towards the planet. The commanders panicked, and began preparations for their evacuation processes – they could not risk loosing so many commanders in a single battle.

    Thelonius ordered the engineers on Horus to ignite the gigantic thrusters there, and direct it to cross the new path of Fray. However, as the result was not guaranteed, the other commanders left the planet with their transporters, leaving behind their fortifications which they had prepared for months, expecting that in case the Valhalla survived; Nero would directly attack the planet – but it didn't go as expected.

    Horus approached Fray rapidly, the remaining units stationed there were commanded to retreat back to the main planet through the portal. The waiting was overwhelming, even for a mechanical being. He stood there alone, above the map of the solar system, following the events in real time, while billions of calculations circled through his circuits, depriving him of any state of peace; trying to find a solution, in case Horus missed Fray, but he found none; certain death was the only option if that occurred.

    The moons finally crossed paths, and they successfully collided. Both Fray and Horus shattered into millions of small pieces of rocks, floating in space in an ample cloud of dust. However, the stalemate on Maya still persisted, and the Valhalla slowly – though, extremely slowly, but surely – approached Thelonius' base.
    (continued in next post due to character limit)
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  16. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    He could stand the waiting not any longer; he decided to personally go to Maya, and attempt to change the tides of battle. He gathered everything what remained in his encampment, and led them all through the portal. On the other side of the gate, he was the first to step out and leave a footstep in the moon dust, but then, he noticed two missiles heading towards his position. He wanted to turn back and go back through the portal, but he could not, as the stream of his own army blocked his path. Both missiles reached their target; the portal was down – turned into a pile of wreckage – and the explosion wiped out most of the tanks and bots that just arrived though it, also knocked away and severely damaged Thelonius, but he stood up nevertheless, and marched forward. Soon, more missiles appeared in the far, but they weren't heading for him; they headed towards his factories. He realized he'd done a shameful mistake; he should never have come to the moon, and instead, should have retreated alongside with the rest of the commanders, but then, he was stuck, surrounded by enemies. A slight miscalculation, perhaps?

    The base was quickly overrun, but he fought till the end, killed hundreds of enemy bots. He was ultimately forced to the ground by a large swarm of spider looking bots, which formed large chains around him, and pinned him to the ground, making him unable to move at all. His moon base was quickly reduced to nothing, and he could not do a thing to prevent it. The spiders held him pinned for nearly three hours, until a transport ship landed near them, with Nero himself, and two of his over-sized guard bots.

    Nero; such an arrogant fool, Thelonius thought. His armor, made of chrome, reflected the light of stars and any sunlight that touched it – he saw that the armor had not a single scratch on it; it most likely had never seen battle. He also had a crimson cape, made of some fireproof fabric, attached to his shoulders, that reached all the way down to his mechanical ankles. Nero's guard bots approached him, and the spider bots scattered, releasing him; he took the opportunity to attempt to take Nero down with a well aimed shot with the uber cannon, but the guard bots quickly grabbed his arms, and the shot missed. Thelonius was too weak to escape their grasp – they held very tight.

    Nero walked closer to him. Thelonius heard his voice inside his head. “Your plan didn't go well, it seems,” he said mockingly.

    “You committed serious war crimes by taking the technology of those weakling bionics,” Thelonius accused. “You deserve death for such acts!”

    “Did I?” Nero asked. “And tell me, my dear commander, who is there to judge me? You?” Nero turned around, and commanded his guard bots to take Thelonius to the transport with him.

    They traveled across the moon, to the opposing side of it, where they tied him with the strongest of neurosteel chains. Nero watched the entire process. “What are you doing?” Thelonius asked, but he did not answer. They just all left silently after having him chained in the middle of nowhere.

    Hours had passed, when he finally felt the trembling of the moon. “The engines,” he thought. “So this is my fate,” he wondered. He knew that Nero wanted him to live his last nanoseconds in fear, but he failed. Thelonius knew that only weaklings and the worthless bionics fear, and he was a machine, fearless and true. Maya was slowly moving towards the planet, pushed by the army of monstrous powerhouses that the engines were. At first, it was just a single blue dot far in the distance, but as Thelonius was slowly carried towards his final fate by the moon, it grew bigger and bigger, until its true size finally revealed. He was the first to enter the atmosphere – such an honor –, but the moon followed half a nanosecond later. Kinetic friction had heated his mighty neurosteel plating, which worn by many battles, unlike the one worn by the coward, Nero. He saw as the buildings of his base slowly outlined below on the surface; several lines of factories, energy generators, armies of tanks, bots and aircraft waiting just for the orders, not suspecting they would share his own fate just in a few moments. The heat was overwhelming, but the armor never had time to melt. Maya collided with the planet; Thelonius was no more.

    Last edited: May 5, 2014
    LavaSnake likes this.
  17. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Great job! I excepted that you were going to throw the moons but you had some great plot twists that I didn't except. Keep it up! I did notice one error though. You said ' ...short; “It's late,” he said. “Signal our...' but I think you meant ' ...short; “It's too late,” he said. “Signal our...'.
    SolitaryCheese likes this.
  18. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    nice one, its your best one yet!
    SolitaryCheese likes this.
  19. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Good find! :)
    I corrected it. ;)

    I'm glad, you all enjoy it! Stay tuned for the next! ;)
    LavaSnake likes this.
  20. fr2ed

    fr2ed Member

    Likes Received:
    i've only read the two first till now , but i like it very much. Keep going on !

    I won't look at my commander the same way now... ;)
    SolitaryCheese likes this.

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