MNC: Best of Sniper music video on Youtube

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat Gameplay Videos' started by Tal-N, December 27, 2010.

  1. Tal-N

    Tal-N New Member

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  2. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    Music was annoying. All the players were low level so it must have been easy to get headshots on them. The sniper missed, All. The. Time.
  3. Tal-N

    Tal-N New Member

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    Snipers miss. Everyone misses sometimes. If you don't miss then you have an aim-bot hack.

    As for the level of the players, the very first kill in the video was a level 40 and there was plenty of others in the 40+ range throughout the video. I chose those kills because they either had a good angle for the video or were especially awkward targets.
  4. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    Thats what we call a hard scoping champion folks!
  5. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    I liked it!
    Keep up the work man!
    Also I really liked the ending. LuLz. It happens to me all teh time.
  6. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I hate this belief that scoping in and out as quickly as a crack-addled cheetah makes you "teh l33torxz" but using a scope like it was intended makes you a "hardscope nub". If it bothers you that much, go back to MW2 with the other 13 year olds.

    Excellent video, shame about the Hoobastank.
  7. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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  8. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    Ill give you many reasons on why you SHOULDNT HARDSCOPE!
    1. No mobility when your scoped in that damn long
    2. You can't see a thing other than that little spot in ur scope when your scoped in, for example: Your scoped in about to do some awesome aiming job! and then comes along another class, doesnt matter and can sit next to you, behind you or maybe even in front of you without you noticing a damn thing. I mean, they can even taunt once and still kill you before you notice from the hardscoping so long im seeing, my god...ill save you the trouble of typing the comment about the ice traps around you. It doesnt matter becuz a good player will float above them or over them to kill you, very noticable on the ground.
    3. You aim faster if you would come out of your scope once in awhile and just line up ur shot with the crosshair and quickly zoom in for the accuracy shot.
    4. If you stand still and move to the side very slowly while scoping, your bound to get your headshot off by another sniper who knows what hes actually doing!

    I would go on but I gotta go play some MNC
    The video shows him going from clip to clip as well, who knows what happened after the headshot. Im gonna use my imagination and say he got his headshot off :D
  9. Tal-N

    Tal-N New Member

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    1. The video was supposed to be fun, not show how utterly L337 I am. Had it been about how awesome I was then it wouldn't have shown misses and mistakes and certainly wouldn't have ended with me being blown up.

    2. Quick-sniping doesn't make you a better sniper. Not in a team based game at least.

    Because it doesn't matter how high your K/D ratio is if the team loses because you were more concerned about your score than the success of the team. A good sniper eliminates risks, chooses good targets and hampers the opposing team. I've quite happily camped out a spot and "hard-scoped" the whole time taking down turrets and stopping waves of bots this approach ended the round with me getting zero kills. But the round ended with my team winning. That is the point of team-based games, a good sniper isn't the one with the highest accuracy, who wastes time quick-sniping at targets 10ft just to look awesome or who has the highest K/D ratio on the team, a good sniper is someome who helps their team win!

    I have no interest in being L337, I have no interest in quick-sniping. I'm there to have fun and win the match. I'm there for the team, the team isn't there for me.
  10. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    The reason they say what they did is because of the title you chose for the thread, I'm sure.
  11. Tal-N

    Tal-N New Member

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    My best. Not THE best.

    The other fact is that the video would seem less appealing had it been entitled 'MNC: Good but not l337 sniper music video'

    I'd just like to add that this forum has an unusually high amount of elitist jerks who feel the need to specifically post on someones topic for the sole purposes of digging their claws in and putting someone down. I don't mind constructive critisism about the video itself so I can make better ones in future, but please if you're going to give someone crap over their 'skillz' then take it somewhere else.
    Last edited: December 28, 2010
  12. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    I didn't say anything about your skill or being so called l33t did I? No, so please don't put words into my mouth. The video did say "best" so most people will assume that and you'll get a lot of criticism for it. Also, I gave my reasons behind quick-scoping but it will only work for those snipers that want to exceed higher than the other ones and quick-scoping works a lot better on RoF Gold. Most teams these days don't use snipers for much of bot killing because a tank or assassin can do it a whole lot better than the sniper, but still the sniper can 2 shot with those easy head shots to the bot. Snipers main purpose is to throw the freeze traps in random spots to slow other teams slayers down or lane pusher, also to put shots into the other teams slayers for your slayers to get those easy red hp kills. You can't win by just focusing on the lanes and not some what focusing those main slayers killing you, you'll just be in your spawn most of the time.
  13. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    Because everyone is so low level I'm assuming you're a PC player amirite?

    I have better accurancy with a joystick sniper then you do with a mouse sniper :lol:

    But I guess it's ok if it's your first time.
  14. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    What's with the Nickelback soundtrack?
  15. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    Ya like I said, song sucks.
  16. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    If I may weigh in...

    First of all, kudos on making a video at all. Most than most of these jerks have done. :p

    If I may make a few suggestions:
    • Ditch the accuracy, as it only helps the SMG. I would recommend skill regen in it's place, although many snipers favor clip size. Hopefully you're already running armor and RoF.
    • Don't stop moving when you snipe. Snipers that stand still will get destroyed by any good sniper. A good method is to strafe left and right to make small aiming adjustments rather than actually moving your aim left and right.
    • Keep on keeping on.

    And a word on scoping...

    Quick scoping and hard scoping both have their place in this game. This game is somewhat unique in that there is no delay between hitting the scope button and getting the benefit of the scope (precise shot right in the middle of the screen). I basically hit both the triggers at the same time when I'm "quick scoping" which allows me to use the sniper as a mid to short range weapon without losing my peripheral vision. It's great for getting up close headshot, as well as hitting fast moving/bunny hopping targets at mid range.

    That being said, unless you're putting the finishing shot on a tank or gunner, there isn't really any reason to try and do this at long range unless you're Korean and have been playing counterstrike for the last decade.
  17. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    im sorry but the second i saw the steel peel clip all i noticed was you were just sitting at the back of your base which instantly means i love all respect for you as a sniper, ANYONE can do good on steel peel as a sniper its a fact, do something different and walk out of your base on steel peel. nothing amazing in the video, i prefer Krool, even if he quick scopes every shot.
  18. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Definitely keep accuracy, because it helps you quickscope, which keeps you aware. It also helps the SMG. But camping or only killing bots is no way to snipe. Your main role is to neutralize their gunner, tank, and sniper, and juice a lot.
  19. Tal-N

    Tal-N New Member

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    Thank you for what has probably been the best and most constructive commment on this entire topic. Needless to say these forums needs a serious attitude adjustment and hopefully members like yourself will set the standard that others will eventually follow.

    To answer some of your suggestions. A number of those clips in the video were from the first week of me playing sniper, a number were from much later. I've only been playing Sniper for around 3 weeks so that video has everything from me using the basic sniper template to using my current setup which is lvl 3 fire-rate, lvl 2 reload, lvl 1 ammo clip. I've toyed around with armor and a few others but I find that ensuring that I can fire fast, reload quickly and reload less helps me to keep the pressure on when things get hectic.

    In general I tend to only stay near the money ball when no one else on the team is bothering with turrets or defense. Whenever I see a team spending their cash on nothing but themselves and running around with no intention but to work on their kills I know we're gonna lose and lose bad. So I take it upon myself to attempt a one-man defense and spend all of my cash on turrets and bots. While I prefer to move out into the mid-field to keep the other players and their bots inside their base or harrass them enough to let my team through there is sometimes no option but to play defensively.

    I've been spending time looking on youtube at people doing quick scoping and I can only see an advatage to it when pressing the advance so I'll be looking into it as an alternative to relying on the SMG and grapples. More options is always better than less. BUt I have no intention to attempt to quick snipe every target at a distance when I'm in a well protected spot which will mean I don't have to worry about keeping a close eye on my surroundings. But I fully understand the need to avoid limiting my field of vision by zooming the scope for extended periods of time, quick scoping is not the only solution to that problem however. Traps and turrets exist to protect the snipers and give early warnings of assassins.

    Once again, thank you for being a sane voice in a sea full of bs.
  20. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Dude, all I told you is why they were flaming you.

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