[REL] Legion Expansion [Released!]

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by Nicb1, May 3, 2016.

  1. Ksgrip

    Ksgrip Active Member

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    @elodea could you change the purger arc height to a higher one? I was pkaying on locke and tried to harrash smartly with those but they couldn't even get onto the bigger plateus. I feel that such small heigh should be jumpable, as it is supposed the main trait of the unit.

    I can try to give you exact numbers that would allow it:)
    martianhunter likes this.
  2. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    they should be able to jump the lower platforms. which one on locke is the one you're talking about? Could be bug i need to fix
    martianhunter likes this.
  3. Ksgrip

    Ksgrip Active Member

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    [Qmen="elodea, post: 1129458, member: 1971078"]
    they should be able to jump the lower platforms. which one on locke is the one you're talking about? Could be bug i need to fix[/QUOTE]
    When I can I will get a screenshot
    elodea likes this.
  4. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    After few games, I worry about the game-play style of the Legion.
    Legion is short for expanding, but good for defending.
    If both sides of players have similar skill and knowledge.
    The duration of game is greatly prolonged, while the interaction is reduced (in comparison with MLA vs MLA).
    MLA has difficulty to make significant attack in early game, and Legion can't even do any harassing.

    The second major issue is that the balance between MLA and Legion is greatly affected by the map.
    Legion has the advantages on their turret which is too good for close combat situation, such as near landing spawn.
    On the other hand, MLA has the advantages on taking new metal extractor far away from the initial base.
    For large planets, Legion is unable to stop the MLA which likes to expand everywhere.

    By the way, the Hive should be moved to T2 or nerfed.
    Currently I believe it is too overpowered.

    The unit icons in factories mismatch the real icon of units.
    I hope this can be fixed soon.
    martianhunter likes this.
  5. Ksgrip

    Ksgrip Active Member

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    I think you misunderstood the purpose of adding a faction. The fact that they behave differently is not only desirablr but intender. Really why would ypu add a faction if they play exactly the same but with some quirck units??
    About the huve it is propbably underway a change.
  6. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    I know it is the faction feature.
    I hope the game can form asymmetrical balance.
    But I worry that it is unable to be balanced due to the features which are too dependent on map.
  7. Ksgrip

    Ksgrip Active Member

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    I really don't see a problem, play on recommended size planets. Also when has Pa good play in all systems?
  8. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    This is my point.
    The suitable sizes of planet are much limited, and the game duration is also limited.
    I hope that the tiny, small, median, and large planets are all playable for MLA and Legion for team army or FFA.

    Tiny planet: radius < 250
    Large planet: radius 800 ~ 1200
  9. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Hey thanks for the feedback!

    Hive currently suffers from an unintended bug causing swarm units to not be targeted and damaged properly by other units, effectively making them invulnerable. I dropped the ball on this one and it will be fixed in the next patch!

    Our goals for pacing roughly follow,
    • Early game: Skirmish phase. MLA does all it can to expand and harass in order to set itself up better for the mid game against a matured legion economy. MLA having an expansion advantage is baked into the faction balance :), with some of it compensated with +1 metal income in the t1 legion metal extractor.
      In regard to MLA having trouble making significant attacks early on, keep in mind that hives being buggy (and some other naughty balance issues) atm is hiding this layer of early gameplay.
    • Mid game: Conflict phase. Legion's infrastructure has matured enough to allow it to make much less risky offensive pushes
    • late game: If both players have survived untill now, they are fully duking it out on equal terms with t2 armies, titans and such.
    At first it will seem like games are unnecessarily prolonged because it's different from the MLA vs MLA gameplay we got used to where it's a rush to whoever can snowball the other the quickest. However, i think games that constantly have the players going back and forth are better than those where one player gets a sudden decisive advantage. For me, an exciting game could be a 2 minute game as much as a 2 hour game - it's all about the journey.

    Also, one of the problems with the MLA pacing i wanted to solve was that 1v1 never felt like it had a natural timing for escalation and progression to t2. It hinged much too heavily on players being equally skilled so that unequal matches tended to be incredibly volatile.

    While most games will roughly follow the above, you still have options for fast timing attacks though. For example air first marauder pressure, purger cliff sniping, peackeeper/lancer combo rushing, and maybe other kool things i havn't discovered yet.

    That said, its true that not everyone has alot of time to play any one game, so I am hoping to have 1v1 legion games be about 20-25 minutes on average. If the vast majority of games I see on pa stats and streams end up significantly deviating from this then it's an issue that will get attention :).

    It's also true that legion's slower expansion gameplay has an impact when it comes to fighting on many different planet radius or metal densities. We are aware that raiding potential forms an important part of the toolkit players have o deal with these changing variable. As such, we have specifically given legion units such as the marauder, the stoke, the comet, and the starcannon. Patriots are also much faster than spinners, allowing you to raid with peacekeepers and lancers even without air control (a big problem with MLA).

    I hope that gave you a better idea of what we intended to achieve for the legion faction. If however we are actually getting long spaces of nothing to do, prolonged games where the winner is obvious already (1v1 especially), or cookie cutter roles and builds, then the team and I will definitely try to address them!
    stuart98, graushwein, huangth and 3 others like this.
  10. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    Thanks for your reply.

    I also want to talk about the shield.
    I though it should only stop the enemy bullets which come from outside.
    But it seems to absorb the shoots which are fired inside the shield.
    I am not sure it is a bug or not.

    And I don't know how the shield accurately works.

    The energy consumption is used to absorb a fixed amount of damage?
    Or a fixed amount of shoots?
    Currently, I feel it completely neutralizes the arty units and structures.
    Even a holkins can't break a single shield.
  11. Ksgrip

    Ksgrip Active Member

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    The only problem here is you critizicing without knowing how does it work or how is intended to work..

    The shield cannot be made to not stop enemy bullets from inside cause how it has been done. Which currently is the only way to do it.
    Its role is to absorb damage, you could launch the biggest cannon round to it and it would still take it. But a few doxes can and will overwhelm the shield. Every projectile drains the shield not by damage but by hitting... So more bullets and the shield goes down.
    Also the fact that you can protect things from arty is not bad. Just means that you have to think how to approach conflict, also the enemy player is heavily draining power to keep the thing.
    Last edited: May 6, 2016
    huangth likes this.
  12. crazyivan97

    crazyivan97 New Member

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    So any fixes for the Unit icons being black for linux or mac in the works? Now i know the icons are being loaded properly because they appear in the alert popups.
  13. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    There is definitely nothing we can do on our end to fix this. That's gotta be fixed in PA itself.
  14. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    I understand, so the shield is a modified angel which can destroy the bullets of land units.
    And its energy is used to absorb a fixed amount of shoots rather than the damage.

    I have idea to implement the shield which only stops the shoots from outside.
    Place multiple invisible angel along the edge of the shield.
    The intercept range of each angel can be reduced to just cover the other angel next itself. :)
    Ksgrip likes this.
  15. Ksgrip

    Ksgrip Active Member

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    You nailed the description.
    Maybe your idea could work, sure elodea is open to suggestion :).
  16. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    The shield basically works by using the anti-entity system (how the gil-e sniper shoots down tactical missiles), and intercepts projectiles within the bubble as long as it has energy to intercept. It doesn't check the damage value of the bullet that it stops and just destroys it. So each interception will drain the same amount of energy from the shield regardless of what kind of bullet it was.

    The enemy bullets getting stopped inside the bubble isn't a bug as much as it is a limitation of getting 'shields' to work in PA. As you noticed, this means that slow firing units like artillery are effectively neutralized, but i think that this problem can be offset by making shields expensive enough that you can't necessarily spam them everywhere. The alternative is to let them pass through the shields entirely, but currently i don't think artillery should penetrate.

    For slow firing sniper units however, we're letting them penetrate shields e.g. gil-e and deathmark. You can check out the legion units list at exodus esports (http://exodusesports.com/article/legion-expansion-community-faction-mod/) to see which mobile units can penetrate shields. They'll have a 'shield penetration' tag on their card
    huangth likes this.
  17. Ksgrip

    Ksgrip Active Member

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    I found out a good way to show you what I believe the purger should be able to look. In the article the vid that shows it there is a platform that needs to be jumped from another to get into that base. I feel that they should be able to do so, without that extra platform
  18. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    Factory unit icon problem
    Image 003.jpg
    Stoke is the amphibious tank, but the icon in factory is for arty units.

    Image 004.jpg
    Corsair is arty unit, but the icon display it as regular tank.

    I think other factories may also have the similar problems.

    Shield Icon Position Suggestion
    Image 005.jpg The shield is a T2 building, thus it should be placed above the lowest row.
    I suggest that it can be moved to the defensive structures.
    elodea, Nicb1, cptconundrum and 3 others like this.
  19. Ksgrip

    Ksgrip Active Member

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    As I think they have said. Create a ticket on their github with the issue for eassy tracking.

    Also +1000 to your idea with the shield
    cptconundrum likes this.
  20. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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