PTE Build 82821-pte is up now!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mkrater, June 3, 2015.

  1. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    As with stable the following bug is still present in PTE:
    ace63 likes this.
  2. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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    Both lobbyIds are missing from replays:
    • 13084960537756628436 (long game with lots of units)
    • 10806654548369992411
  3. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Noticed that aswell on Windows 8.1. They should always be visible.
    n00n likes this.
  4. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    Trying to get a build to Stable today if possible.. Last 3 things we are looking to fix beforehand are:
    1. vision issues on replays
    2. lag on CMD death
    3. Radar blips not showing when zoomed in
    Remy561, whisperr, crizmess and 6 others like this.
  5. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    So about the replay issue.
    • Has been happening only on Linux and OSX for now. (is an assumption but you tested 12 times and I tested five times so its safe to say I think?)
      • Replay ID : 13084960537756628436
      • I tried five times and they all showed up right. WIN8.1 X64
      • two times it loaded up at the end of the replay for me and three times it loaded up at the beginning of the replay for me. (same replay, same PTE build and ran with the --nomods tag.)
      • Connected through the replay menu and copy pasted the id in the search and clicked watch replay.
    jables likes this.
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    personality_tag: 'GWAlly' appears to be missing from all the Revenants minions.

    I'm new to the GW files, but it looks to me that you've removed all the faction personalities from everything except the boss fights. Every faction except Revenants (due to what appears to be an oversight) will fight the same against the player, there are no air, land, etc. preferences. I'm guessing this is an unintended side effect due to the change to unify human sub-commander behaviour. I can see the values differ in stable.
    Last edited: June 9, 2015
  7. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    This is incorrect, according to gw_balance only Normal is using the easier templates.
    Last edited: June 9, 2015
  8. lostmekka

    lostmekka Member

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    What is the factory wait time?

    Is it possible that this has something to do with replay data loading? I assume the server starts handing out the replay data that a client is missing as soon as the game is won... Then this could be some network overkill or possibly some replay event sorting/integration that is not properly threaded?

    Also: The radar blips probably need some more work. Fabbers cannot be given reclaim orders to a radar blip when it is unknown whether it is a building or not. So it is not possible to queue up some reclaims on mexes that you just discovered with a newly built radar; instead you must first establish sight contact to each mex.

    Speaking of building mexes:
    • If an order queue of a fabber contains a reclaim of an enemy mex, you should be able to queue up to build a mex there yourself without having to wait until the mex is actually reclaimed. So that you can give a reclaim then build order queue and then focus your attention elsewhere.
    • Even better: If a building is queued that is blocked by an enemy building (not just mexes, but all buildings) then automatically add a reclaim order for that building in the queue before the actual building. Like when you build something on a wreckage or some trees.
    • (Edit: make reclaim oders auto reclaim enemy buildings?)
    • It is still possible to build some buildings so close to a T1 mex that it becomes impossible to build a T2 mex there afterwards.
    • Don't make fabbers go to a place where they want to build a building when it is obvious that they cannot build there before going to the next spot to build things on. Currently this is possible:
      • Queue up an area mex build command.
      • Build some of the queued mexes with another fabber manually.
      • Watch the area commanded fabbers go to the manually built mex only to realize on arrival that this cannot be built there and move on to the next spot (which also may not be buildable)
    And furthermore:
    >>> SupCom style strategic icons tracking for radar blips? <<<
    pretty please with sugar on top?​
    This would look so more awesome... AND be a buff for newer players... Everyone wins ^^
    Last edited: June 9, 2015
    ace63 likes this.
  9. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    It defines a time that the AI will wait after a factory completes a build order before it issues a new one. It is used to slow down the lower difficulty AIs.
    cdrkf and wondible like this.
  10. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    It was an FFA indeed and nothing interesting happened until the final commander was killed, so the last commander gave the freeze.

    See the stats here:
    - -> no slowdown
    - -> Slowdown

    Look at the sim speed % graph and use the scrol bar below to narrow the vision to the end of the game. In the no slowdown game it only shows the SIM shutdown, alias from 100% sim down in one instant but the game with the slowdown shows a long part where the sim is 0. So the game ran for 10 seconds where the sim didn't update.

    Wanted to double check on those games in replay, but somehow only the spawn effects play and no units become visible. :( Replay of the slowdown does not show up in the 'my games' list either, only the no slowdown game is there.

    This was played in stable btw, tested with --nomods
  11. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    82821 - 6/9/15
    - Fix for freeze/lag on commander death in large games
    - Fix for radar blips not showing when zoomed in
    - Fix for replays not starting at the start
    - Fix for vision on replays
    - Pathing crash fix
    cdrkf, n00n, Alpha2546 and 8 others like this.
  12. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    I'd just like to drop in and say that yesterday was the first time I launched PA in probably 2 months or so, and I really like the UI changes all over the place. It looks cleaner, more consolidated and I love the backgrounds! Whomever is in charge of that deserves a pat on the back and a high five!
    mkrater likes this.
  13. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Remy561 likes this.
  14. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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  15. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    To note, this is a release candidate. If this looks good we'll push to Stable so everyone can start playing new GW changes :)
    cdrkf, doud, Remy561 and 4 others like this.
  16. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Just to clarify this:

    gw_faction0, 1 and 2 all have the following minion data:

    econ_rate: 1.0,
                    personality: {
                        percent_land: 0.55,
                        percent_air: 0.35,
                        percent_naval: 0.05,
                        percent_orbital: 0.05,
                        metal_drain_check: 0.75,
                        energy_drain_check: 0.85,
                        metal_demand_check: 0.75,
                        energy_demand_check: 0.85,
                        micro_type: 2,
                        go_for_the_kill: true,
                        neural_data_mod: 1,
                        personality_tag: 'GWAlly'
    gw_faction3 has

    econ_rate: 1.0,
                    personality: {
                        percent_land: 0.15,
                        percent_air: 0.15,
                        percent_naval: 0.1,
                        percent_orbital: 0.6,
                        metal_drain_check: 0.75,
                        energy_drain_check: 0.85,
                        metal_demand_check: 0.75,
                        energy_demand_check: 0.85,
                        micro_type: 2,
                        go_for_the_kill: true,
                        neural_data_mod: 1
    In stable every faction had different personality settings for their minions from the other factions. Now, from my limited understanding of the files a number of minions are pulled to oppose you on every non-boss system. So right now every faction except red are going to play identically outside the boss fights which would seem to kill some of the GW flavour and remove a lot of the meaningfulness of which faction you choose.

    I'm guessing that when you get a sub-commander, you're assigned a minion from your own faction.
  17. masterdigital

    masterdigital Uber Alumni

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    This has been fixed. Thanks for reporting the issue.
    cdrkf, n00n and ace63 like this.
  18. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    We'll have this adjusted next update.
    cdrkf, Remy561, ace63 and 1 other person like this.
  19. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Also, do gw_faction minion settings override gw_balance? So for example on normal micro is disabled, but all minions have it set to 2. Are minions thus using the best micro regardless of difficulty?
  20. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Is that adjusted as in faction 3 aligned with the other factions, or 0, 1 and 2 returned to their differentiated states?

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