PTE build 79270-pte now up

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jables, February 16, 2015.

  1. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    Hey all,

    We are looking at doing some fairly experimental PTE balance changes this time around, so please play a few games and get us your feedback here in the thread :)

    Build 79270-pte - 3/11/15
    Assault Bot (Dox)
    -Move Speed increased to 18 from 17

    -Vision Range increased to 130 from 120
    -Splash Radius increased to 6 from 5
    -Full Damage Splash Radius increased to 2 from 1
    -Range increased to 125 from 115
    -Metal Cost increased to 50 from 40
    -Health decreased to 3000 from 4000
    -Atrophy Rate increased to 20.0 from 0.416667

    -Radar Radius decreased to 450 from 500

    Advanced Radar
    -Radar Radius decreased to 900 from 1000

    Vehicle Factory
    -Placement Size changed to [30,60] from [40,60]
    -Area Build Separation increased to 6 from 3

    Air Factory
    -Placement Size changed to [30,30] from [40,40]
    -Area Build Separation increased to 6 from 3

    Bot Factory
    -Placement Size changed to [30,55] from [40,55]
    -Area Build Separation increased to 6 from 3

    Naval Factory
    -Placement Size changed to [20,50] from [40,50]
    -Area Build Separation increased to 10 from 3

    Advanced Naval Factory
    -Area Build Separation increased to 10 from 7

    Tactical Missile Bomber (Hornet)
    -Added air_pbaoe as death weapon

    Interplanetary Fighter (Phoenix)
    -Added air_pbaoe as death weapon

    Unit Cannon
    -Health increased to 18,000 from 9,000

    Air Scout (Firefly)
    -Sight Radius decreased to 250 from 300

    Combat Fabricator
    -Can no longer build walls.

    -Updated every ranked system with new iterations
    -Added new ranked system Amplus to the matchmaking pool.
    -Added new systems Amplus and Blitz to the default system list.
    -Adjusted the recommended players for all of the ranked systems and the PAX system.
    -Removed Battlefield and Inner Sol System from the premade system list.
    -Fix to lack of vision on replays
    -General bugfixes to save/load
    -Improvements to losing buildings when drag building
    -Fix for groups of units going too slow when moving with other groups
    -Perf improvements tied to projectile events
    -Beta added to in-game Save button
    -Improvements to Idle system
    -Fix for Commanders not being able to assist factories
    -Fix for vision issues on reconnect

    Build 79020-pte - 3/5/15
    - Metal Cost increased to 40 from 35
    - Health decreased to 4000 from 5000
    - Atrophy Cooldown decreased to 0.5 from 15.0

    Orbital Factory
    - Health decreased to 9,000 from 15,000

    Orbital Mining Platform (Jig)
    - Nuke Radius increased to 250 from 230
    - Area Build Separation increased to 100 from 50

    - Fixed issues of Assisting/Repairing failing (most commonly seen from Factories with Patrol not having fabbers it built assist it)
    - Fixed for units under construction by orbital factory moving when factory is being assisted by orbital fabbers
    - Adjustments to how AI prioritizes based on planet resources
    - Fix for rare cases where units would not fire
    - Fix for a few coherent crashes
    - Fix for missing vision on reconnect
    - Beta tag added to Save/Load buttons on the main menu

    Build 78886-pte - 3/2/15
    Orbital Deepspace Radar
    - Metal Cost increased to 600 from 300
    - Celestial Observers now give system-wide orbital radar coverage as opposed to system-wide orbital sight coverage.

    Orbital Fabricator
    - Can now reclaim features and wreckage
    - Can now assist and repair units and structures in the orbital layer.
    - Can now assist and repair teleporters.

    Air Scout (Firefly)
    - Sight Range increased to 300 from 200

    - Radar Range increased to 500 from 400
    - Orbital Sight increased to 600 from 500

    Advanced Radar
    - Radar Range increased to 1000 from 800
    - Orbital Sight increased to 1200 from 1000

    - Fix for build orders not loading (not factory queues, but actual build orders like from Commander or Fabber)
    - Fix for weird floating units after load
    - Annihilazer should now load correctly (unless it's mid-fire, you will need to fire it again in that case
    - Craters now load correctly
    - Alliances restored during save/load
    -- Loaded games don't end properly when allied victory is true (upcoming)
    - SimWeapon will no longer try to use the previous pitch when finding a firing angle.
    - Credits system added for our writer
    - Fix for game not ending correctly after load
    - Coherent fix for crashes
    - Fix for a crash during shutdown

    Build 78783-pte - 2/27/15
    - Fix for economy storage being reset on load
    - Fix for animation issues on paused factories on load
    - Fix for fog of war units losing state on load
    - Fix for Surrender not working
    - Fix for deleting commander not working
    - Fix for sim crash
    - Fix for crash in AntiWeapon code (should fix that anti-nuke not firing issue)
    - AI unit cap is now adjustable via the ai_config file

    Build 78737-pte - 2/26/15
    Assault Bot (Dox)
    - Move Speed decreased to 17 from 20

    Boom Bot
    - Damage decreased to 600 from 700

    - First pass for Save/Load to work on PlayFab servers (allows remote saves instead of just local)
    - Online (PlayFab) save games are found under Replays (Local saves still found in same spot, this will be better in future pass)
    - Save games filter added to Replay browser
    - Units falling behind the group will now pathfind much better
    - Performance improvements for large army battles
    - Optimization pass on weapon tasks
    - Fix for a client crash
    - Fix for a crash in weapon tasks

    Known issue:
    - Surrender and Delete are currently not working.

    Build 78679-pte - 2/25/15
    - Very first pass on Save/Load now in game
    -- Save/Load now works with local AI Free For All skirmish
    --- Currently it will not remember alliances
    -- Save/Load currently does not function for Galactic War
    -- Save/Load currently does not work on PlayFab games
    -- Spectating won’t work after you lose a loaded game
    -- The sim will freeze while saving. This could take shorter or longer depending on amount of stuff being saved
    -- After loading a game, Surrender does not work, you will need to delete your commander to quit the game back to main menu.
    -- You can also view save files as a replay
    --- In the future this will allow you to pick a spot in chronocam and load the game there, though it is not yet functioning
    - Next passes will be adding some of the missing functionality from above

    Orbital Fabricator
    - Can now only assist items that it can build.

    - Max Firing Velocity increased to 68 from 58
    - Min Firing Velocity increased to 65 from 55
    - Range increased to 115 from 105

    Fighter (Hummingbird)
    - Health decreased to 150 from 200
    - Death Weapon set to air ammo instead of ground ammo

    Bomber (Bumblebee)
    - Death Weapon set to air ammo instead of ground ammo

    Interplanetary Fighter (Phoenix)
    - Health decreased to 200 from 300
    - Ammo Lifetime decreased to 2 from 5

    Battleship (Leviathan)
    - Ammo Lifetime decreased to 4 from 10

    - Ammo Lifetime decreased to 5 from Infinite
    - Velocity increased to 500 from 400

    Defense Satellite (Anchor)
    - Metal Cost increased to 2200 from 1800

    - Improvement for dark side of the planet with shadows turned off
    - Upgrade to Coherent 2.5.4
    - Change Gamma display name from Delta to Gamma
    - Improvements to AI threat handling
    - Improvements to sim performance with large numbers of units
    - Added Submarine influence for the AI
    - AI will scout smarter depending on difficulty
    - Factory build task improvements

    had to delete old stuff as post was too long
    Last edited: March 11, 2015
  2. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Thanks for testing some of my theories out, @tvinita :D

    I hope this will try to bring back proxies and more expansion, and different starting builds. I'm not sure if the decrease in commander build rate will be a good change though. Might be interesting to see both sides of it?
    Last edited: February 16, 2015
    warrenkc and ArchieBuld like this.
  3. jomiz

    jomiz Active Member

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    - New Coherent version
    -- Update to UI framework that should improve stability of the game on Mac & Linux.

    Ooh, thats nice :)
    cdrkf and warrenkc like this.
  4. jables

    jables Uber Employee

    Likes Received:
    If you were getting these coherent crashes please let us know if this has fixed them for you. Still tracking down ones it may not catch.
    jomiz and zihuatanejo like this.
  5. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    Last edited: February 17, 2015
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  6. optimi

    optimi Well-Known Member

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    Ooooh :D
    JWest likes this.
  7. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Looks interesting and immediate suggestion:
    If you go with only travelling orbital units being revealed, there needs to be a new notification ("Interplanetary movement detected") with maybe some information about how many units there are and where they are heading.
  8. jomiz

    jomiz Active Member

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    @sevmek get your *** here too.
    cdrkf likes this.
  9. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    Has the PTE been pushed to Steam yet? Mine has not updated (switched from stable to PTE to try and get it, was not using PTE stream previously).

    Edit: nm, it's updated.
  10. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    Steam is downloading right now for me.

    Edit: Done :p
    zihuatanejo likes this.
  11. skypheonix20

    skypheonix20 Member

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    Uber i love you hahahah
  12. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    You. I like you. This build. I like this build.
    cdrkf, warrenkc and ArchieBuld like this.
  13. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    DalekDan, cwarner7264, cdrkf and 3 others like this.
  14. optimi

    optimi Well-Known Member

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    cdrkf, warrenkc and ArchieBuld like this.
  15. frostsatir

    frostsatir Active Member

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    Slower expansion build. Nothing funny...
  16. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Wow, that's going to make for a huge change to the opening game. Can't wait :)
    Remy561 and stuart98 like this.
  17. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Those shields looks super awesome. Nice work at whoever designed them.

    Also if you want to experiment I look forward to experiments with the grenadiers.
    radongog, ArchieBuld and drz1 like this.
  18. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    this build makes me soo happy! They fixed celestial radar!
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  19. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Oeh I like the new wall/shield! Looks really good! I'm guessing @bgolus did some magic again? Also the increased height is an upcoming fix for tanks shooting over walls I guess?

    Cool update! interesting balance changes.
    stuart98 likes this.
  20. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    I must say that I am really impressed.
    I just watched a game of ai vs ai (somehow 90 % of the time I spend with PA is doing that :p) and the ai really seems A LOT more interesting now.

    Very afraid to fight against it now.

    But it still seems to often keep infernos at range together with tanks which results in quite a few missed opportunities.
    destravous likes this.

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