MNC, Super MNC and what happened to Xbox version

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, March 19, 2013.

  1. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    the beta was 3gb... i redownloaded the game from scatch and it was 10 gigs with the most recent update
  2. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Not that I think they'd ever wanna work with M$ again, nor do they have nearly as much resources as Trion studios, but they've implemented a pretty nice patch system in Defiance as a way to patch the game quickly without having to do constant $40,000 patches.

    They still will have bigger patches which are essentially title updates, but I did find it rather interesting. They had maybe 4 small patches so far, a HUGE patch coming up on the 12th, and another BIG one coming 2 weeks later. Then, they're gonna start rolling out free DLC's for a while. They said they're expecting maybe 4-5 DLC's, some of which have options to purchase non game breaking elements.

    Then, they play on updating the story mode missions to reflect the TV series once that comes out.

    I don't know, but it sounds like they got it right.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That still has nothing to do with how the game itself performs.

    That's because Microsoft has limitations. It's nothing on the developers part. Also the Sam & Max series says Hello about being the 1st 1600 point XBLA game.

    That's all server patches and MNC was able to do the same exact thing with the only difference is that MNC wasn't built that way. There was even a system in place where Uber could tweak and change thing without the need for an update. Though it was simple things like changing the color of Bullseye.

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  4. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Downloading 10GB isn't the same as installing 10GB, especially since the updates can overwrite existing files
    UnrealEngine 3 is powerful, but dear god Epic made it a pain to update

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  5. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    @Stretch, you forgot to take into account the fact that feedle's computer is in Canada. That means he is using the metric system. 3 Gb metric translates to aboot 10 Gb in American storage space.
  6. motherfknskill

    motherfknskill Member

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    Uber = FAIL can i have the rights to mnc? I have an idea
  7. x420xjuicyjuice

    x420xjuicyjuice New Member

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    Im pretty sure it wouldn't be hard to do but what if they cleaned up the leaderboard one last time.....
  8. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    I'm going by steams download totals and updates..
    A gig is thousand megabytes correct
  9. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Roughly, it's 1024MB

    For reference, Super MNC on my Steam takes up 2889MB, or 2.82GB

    Monday Night Combat is just over 2GB

    Yeah, it's a long problem with Unreal. It stores stuff in Packages which is easier I guess during the game and when you want to find stuff, but if you want to update one item within a large package, you have to re-download the ENTIRE package.
  10. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Since I imagine the devs look at this thread more than any other in the Xbox section I have to ask: How in the hell did you make a Team PVP game custom lobby with no change teams function? Who's great idea was it to only allow the host to invite players to a custom lobby? How was DLC released and neither of these issues were addressed?

    Edit: if there were any way possible to change those two issues you would see dramatically revived interest in this game. The biggest turnoff to new blood playing this game in PMs is the hassle to get them started, the hassle to adjust when a higher skilled player replaces a lesser skilled player, the hassle to fill a lobby of 12 players when only one person can send out invites "invite my friend. Who's this guy inviting me? Beginners see it as a random invite, need to contact said player and explain invite" all the while they likely would've just joined the friend regardless.

    This game and concept has unbelievable potential, execution on the little things cost it dearly. Menus and setup are more frustrating than any anni, juice, or OT frame rate for sure
    Last edited: April 11, 2013
  11. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Well, UE2 wasn't bad. Patches were ~12MB and you could even fix some problems with maps via code/mutators(there was a community made map pack that had a collision bug in one spot, a member of the group that made that map wrote a mutator that fixed it)

    Then UE3 came along and Epic decided to cram as much stuff into as few packages as possible
  12. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    UE2 was last gen too remember, though. Just in general everything was a smaller filesize with lower res textures and lower poly models.
  13. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    the only solution to this is a custom pub since uber doesnt want to fix it
    It allows randoms to join and you to invite whoever you want on host also players can join session. Its just organizing this and making it work.

    I still think this game could use the switch team function or even the costimization of a pub that is public like tf2's public lobby. Have a ranked section where its anything goes.
    Everygame has private match and player match these days.
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You say that as if MNC was the only game to do it. Heck even some AAA titles don't have team switch. Also DLC =/= game patch. Not to mention most of the matchmaking/lobby systems in XBox games are using Microsoft's systems. So, as per usual, the blame is mostly on Microsoft's back.
  15. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    I dunno about you, but the team switching option in MNC has never been used while I've played except to mess up team balance and stack 7 against 2.
  16. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    The system that is used to find a partner is part of the MS SDK, but what happens once in a lobby is totally up to the host engine\script. The engine is Unreal; obviously it can be done. It just does not either by design or by oversight. Either way, an almost three year old game is not going to get patched and paying to fix it is pointless because it is a dead revenue stream for them with Xbox Infinity being announced on May 24th and unveiled at E3.

    A better utilization of resources would be to make a new game for the new platform.
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    They are talking about private matches, not public. Private matches are invite only and how they work on XBox (how the group of players work it) both teams have an equal balance of skill levels. They try their damdest to never stack teams, unlike how private matches on SMNC are handled. Also teams are scrambled often. It's more fun this way.
  18. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Well then private matches in SMNC -do- have team switching.

    Or have I just lost track of this conversation?
  19. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    What Stretch said.

    Take a look at some of my videos; the teams change often, and positions change almost every game. We have a couple of methods of team picking for best efforts to keep it as fair as possible.
  20. joker

    joker Active Member

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    This is the only good game I've come across with the issue so that's why it's a big deal to me. I know DLC and game patches are different, but didn't they address custom matches with the first DLC? I wasn't around until after spunky but I heard the private match lobby was even worse at one point, and upon addressing it they still left out a change team function & the ability for anyone to send an invite to them. It's kind of silly because anyone can send invites in a public pregame lobby, but not a custom pregame lobby. I suppose it was their way to avoid adding a boot from lobby & lobby entrance mechanics (open, friends only, invite only, closed, etc)? Just thinking out loud at this point about the menu and lobby malfunctions

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