Wayward Sky info

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by jables, June 17, 2015.

  1. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Yeah, I get that. Problem was with the speculation though. Was completely overreported on no actual information and all the VR outlets just reprinted it.

    For shame :(
  2. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    I gotta ask, what's with the floating hands in all VR games?

    Is it really that hard to add arms? Is it a technical problem?

    Just feels like floating hands would be a little disorienting.
  3. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Because you're interacting using your hands and the hands track your hands. Having arms which don't map to yours would break the immersion.

    You need to find an HTC Vive demo location and try it, then you'll understand.
  4. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    There are good IK algorithms that could solve that issue, it may not be 100% spot on to your actual arm pose but should be close enough to not break the immersion.
    Other options may come later for full body tracking, but i honestly think upright/standing VR will eventually take a back seat to seated gaming until wireless VR headsets become the norm.
    All those wires are a tripping hazard and upright VR just isn't as comfortable as a seated VR experience.
  5. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Not 100% would very much break the immersion.

    Have you tried the Vive?
  6. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    "Not 100% would very much break the immersion" would mean if the hand doesn't look like my hand, Immersions broken,, The hairs on the arm aren't the same as mine, Immersions broken, That digital fart i heard right under my nose, i can't smell it, OH NO IMMERSION BROKEN.

    No haven't tried the Vive yet :( , but i have tried the Rift :) , i also made my own VR headset using the Fatshark goggles i have ;)
    The Fatshark headset i own has a 9DoF trinity headtracker that i plug into my pc via the microphone port and i use SmartProPo to convert the PPM signal in to vjoy or trackIR/FreeTrack input.
    <--- demo of the headtracker in my headset so you can see how well it performs, it's fast but no comparison to the current latency of the VR headsets on the market. BUT it's still good enough for me to thoroughly enjoy my low end homemade VR setup.
    Even with 50-80ms latency on the headtracker the immersion is quite fine, i even have an AMAZING total of 35deg FoV and the immersion is still plenty good enough to feel like your in the middle of the action.
  7. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Easy explanation to how 100% immersion needs to be,
    Level of immersion would be a personal preference not a need. <--that's my answer..
    Why?? Because....
    Some people wont mind if things are a bit off, like the angle of a digital representation of your arm.
    Others will be completely thrown off by it maybe even distracted beyond being able to play.
    I see people who don't mind if somethings not 100% correct in a movie, other people i know are like "did you see that digital shadow, so fake looking, what a crap movie."
    It's a Personal Preference thing...

    Personal Taste might be a more correct term. ?? dunno....
    but i think you might get the point im trying to convey anyways
    Last edited: June 11, 2016
  8. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Try it, then you'll understand.
  9. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    The headsets all do the same thing,
    I personally don't care about the extra 10degFoV or the small difference in latency.
    And i honsetly wouldn't care if there was a digital rep of my arm that wasn't 100% spot on to my elbow deflection and height.

    Also if having an arm that doesn't match yours in movement is immersion breaking then what about having a hand that's cut off at the wrist, that doesn't break the immersion?
    having a pair of "The Thing" from "The Adams Family" floating in front of your face is fine and totally immersive...

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