The Latest From Star Citizen (2.6, Star Marine, and More!)

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Geers, August 16, 2014.

  1. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Patch 1.1.1 is now out. Still no Star Marine but turrets now work on ships, though there's no UI implemented yet. This is the first step to multi-crew ships.

    There's been a design brief on FPS stances and breathing. Basically there will be three modes:

    Lowered - your gun is pointing at the floor, maximum mobility. This is what you get when you sprint in most FPS games.

    Ready - Your gun is pointing forward, basically the hipfire stance in most games.

    ADS - It's ADS.

    Breathing is tied to stamina, which will be represented by something non-immersion breaking like a heart-rate monitor and fog on your helmet (possibly, and if you're wearing one).

    At full stamina:
    • 1 Second pauses at the top and bottom of the each breath
    • 2 Seconds to move from the top to the bottom of the breath
    • Left and right sway and up and down limits are dictated by the weapon and attachments’ values
    • Up, down, left and right sway values should be determined by modifiers on the weapon’s sway
    • Holding [key] will begin the “hold breath” state
    • Sway is reduced to 0 for the duration
    • You can hold your breath for 10 seconds before needing to release (this action will be involuntary)
    • The release will create sway for 3 seconds, with a modifier making it a bit more extreme
    • After the sway, breathing returns to normal

    With no stamina:
    • Very short pauses at the top and bottom of each breath, about .2 – .3 seconds
    • Very rapid up and down travel time of about 1 second
    • Left and right sway and up and down limits can have a modifier on top of the base weapon and attachments’ values
    • Up, down, left and right values should be determined by modifiers on the weapon’s sway
      Holding your breath is the active part of the breath system. By holding a button, you will hold your breath for a specific amount of time before your character releases the breath for you. The longer you hold your breath, the lower your stamina gets. If you have little to no stamina, then you will not be able to hold your breath very long.
    • Holding [key] will begin the “hold breath” state
    • Sway is reduced to 0 for the duration
    • You can hold your breath for 1 second before releasing
    • The release will create sway for 6 seconds, with a modifier making it a bit more extreme
    • After the exaggerated sway, breathing returns to the breath cycle based on current stamina







    In case all these version numbers are confusing you:
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  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    BEHOLD! The Musashi Industrial & Starflight concern Hull series! A cargo ship for all traders big and small!








    Why that's crazy! How does this all work!? Well here it is:

    Cargo Interaction:

    There are five basic states or types of interaction with objects:

    Player to item:

    Anything you do with your bare hands. Cups, plates, guns, ammo, bobbleheads. You can pick these up with one or two hands and put them down anywhere you like.

    Player to massive item:

    This involves items that are too large to just pick up and run around with. Steel beams, replacement parts for ships, anti-capital ship torpedos and other such things. Basically anything that will require a forklift/power loader/gravity gun/preferred heavy lifting thingy.

    Player to container:

    There are two types of container, crates and tanks. Crates hold most things like guns, electronics, artefacts, ammo, MREs, (live) alien ponies, stuff like that. Tanks hold things you wouldn't handle such as ores, liquids, gasses and scrap metals. Every container has a port where you plug in your cargo jack which allows you to move your container with anti-grav pulsers and stick it inside or onto your ship. Cargo jacks are fitted with a UI so you can see where you're going despite the 50 tons of cereal blocking your view.

    Player to pallet:

    This allows grouping of similar containers to move them in groups.

    Player to cargo bay:

    This involves the interaction between you and your entire cargo load. Mobiglas is used to access the cargo manifest to view and track all cargo.

    Now you may have noticed that this will require a system that actually allows the player to pick stuff up. This system has the best name of any game mechanic ever:


    Stare at a thing, press F to pay respects to pick it up. You are now holding that thing! Press F to put it down again, a raycast from shoulder height decides where it'll be put down. OR you can hold F to enter into a precision item-putting-down mode to carefully guide the item into place, mouse click+dragging allows the item to be rotated.

    This allows for some really neat interactions. Such as the most innovative feature in modern gaming:


    The interaction system takes into account the environment and player movement. So flicking the mouse up and pressing F will allow you to flip a coin. Unless you're in a zero-g environment of course.

    Multiple coins can be picked up and flipped.

    Now you might be wondering how this is going to work with stuff you actually want to use. Like guns and flashlights and grenades. Well, all you do is double tap F and it goes into "use" mode. Double tapping F again will bring it back to "inventory mode".

    Every container has two stats: Standard Cargo units and Number of Ports. SCU defines the exterior dimensions in cubic metres because the metric system is better deal with it.

    Number of ports defines the amount of individual slots into which items fit.

    Inside your cargo bay containers are placed onto locking grids (floor to ceiling). These grids will grow gold when they're locked and red if something is horribly horribly wrong. At that point your cargo will probably start sliding around, which is bad. "He was crushed by everyone's favourite breakfast: SpacefrootLoops" is not what you want on your gravestone.

    The manifest UI allows for things like jettisoning, locking/unlocking cargo grids, and viewing the effects the cargo is having on your centre of mass. Which is important because that 50 ton crate of SpacefrootLoops will effect how your ship handles.



    But all that isn't even the best thing about recent news. No no. Introducing:



    Available in both velcro size adjuster thing or snapback.
    Last edited: April 25, 2015
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  3. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    The only thing I really hope is that they have some *automated loading tools* in mind for the larger ship. After they described the ability to manually pack a crate 1 item at a time by hand, and then load it with a grav grappler 1 crate at a time into your ship, I started having visions of players spending *years of real life time* loading up a Hull E.... The level of immersion sounds amazing, though hopefully there will be shortcuts for those that want them as otherwise this could quickly become

    "Manual Logistics Simulator Citizen" haha :p
    squishypon3 and Geers like this.
  4. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    You'll probably be able to hire some AI to do it. Manual loading would be for smaller ships.

    Last edited: April 25, 2015
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  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Star Citizen PTU: They've released the tutorial... this is the first bit of actual game play which starts from first person and goes through the full procedure of launch and a space battle and so on. Complete with a fully animated / voiced NPC trainer. It's unusual for a tutorial to be fun but this was pretty cool (also pointed out a couple of the more advanced controls I didn't know about which was nice)...

    I don't know about the open universe bit of the game, but based on this I'm going to love Squadron 42 (which is what I wanted from SC from the get go- I love the old story driven space games like Wing Commander and Starlancer).
    tatsujb and Geers like this.
  6. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Recently a who bunch of Q&A posts regarding the Hull series of ships. These posts also contain a little additional lore and sexy concept art. Lots of nice info:

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  7. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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  8. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    They'll do these Q&As for all future ships. I leave you with a size comparison:


    PS: Sorry for triple posting but dat character limit...
    cdrkf likes this.
  9. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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  10. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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  11. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    I read them :)
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  12. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    those leaks.... wow. To be honest the reliant isn't so interesting, those cap ships though... The 'kingship' looks especially evil.
  13. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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  14. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    do they have one with the retribution class dreadnought and the idris also in the comparison?

    Honestly I'm loving these leaks!
    Last edited: May 25, 2015
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  15. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    So turns out the Cleaver is a boarding ship:



    Idris internals:



    Vanduul Stinger preview:

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  16. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Retribution class:

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  17. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  18. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Look sir, droids!

    Fancy gadgets:

    Last edited: June 7, 2015
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  19. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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  20. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Maybe, one of the main issues CGI had with CryEngine on Linux was the performance wasn't up to par compared to the windows version (I think they had a preview of this already). They already said that many of the devs are Linux buffs and they're using Linux exclusively for their servers, although I can understand them not wanting to use it if it results in a sub-par implementation. I think it's more likely they will look at this again with the release of Vulkan api.

    Edit: Also CGI has hired a large number of ex CryEngine devs, and they've made some pretty major back end changes to the engine to support all the crazy stuff their doing, so changing versions of CryEngine (again) might not be cost effective (for example they have support now for multiple independent physics grids, e.g. main for outer space, then individual grids *within* the various ships so you can seamless walk around inside whilst the thing is moving, probably not unlike what Uber had to deal with to make multiple planets work).
    DeathByDenim likes this.

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